Saving You;Chapter 16.

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"Merry Christmas Love birds!" Tommy yelled as he saw Jane and Maura kissing and cuddling their way down the stairs.

"Hey. Merry Christmas guys" Jane smiled sitting on the sofa and putting her arms around Maura and cuddling her in.

"Okay lets do the presents" Angela said.

"Oo! Maura take this one first" Constance said passing her a small box wrapped in silver paper.

"Thankyou Mother" Maura smiled as she held the box.

Angela and Constance passed out presents from under the tree to everyone. Jane gave Maura a box wrapped in red shiny paper with a label hanging off.

-Maura, Merry Christmas baby. I love you. Jane x-

Maura smiled as she looked at Jane and kissed her.

"Thank you" She smiled.

Everyone started pulling paper off their presents but Jane just looked at Maura.

"What?" Maura asked nervously.

"I just want to see if you like your present" Jane smiled as she looked at Maura lovingly.

Maura smiled back and teared off the wrapping paper and pulled out a long blue box.

"Oh god. It looks expensive" Maura said.

"Well..It was..And you deserve it." Jane smiled as she placed a kiss on Maura's temple.

Maura slowly opened the box to find a silver bracelet with a heart on. Maura gasped as she saw it covering her mouth.

"Jane!" Maura sighed.

"Thats not even the best part..Look" Jane smiled as she picked up the bracelet and opened the lock and showed Maura was was engraved inside.

"It says M&J. Maura and Jane" Jane smiled as she picked up Maura's wrist and clipped it around her right wrist.

"Jane..Its..Beautiful" Maura said as she turned to Jane and kissed her hard.

Maura picked up another box and passed it to Jane.

"This is what i got for you." Maura smiled as Jane took the box.

Jane ripped the paper off and opened the box to a black Rolex.

"Jheeze Maur! This must have cost a fortune!" Jane laughed as she put it around her wrist.

"Your my girlfriend. I can spend a fortune when it comes to you" Maura smiled and placed another kiss but a softer, gentle one.

Jane and Maura bought each other clothes ans gadgets and bought presents for everyone else too.

Jane and Maura got dressed into their new clothes and shoes and headed down stairs for the music whilst they were waiting for their Christmas dinner.

Maura was sitting with Tommy listening to music and talking.

"Maura..Would you care to dance with me?" Tommy asked as a slow song came on.

"Yes." Maura smiled and took Tommy's hand and stood up.

He pulled her in close and swayed with her to the music. Maura leaned her head into Tommy's shoulder and swayed with him. Together.

Once the song ended Tommy kissed Maura's hand and sat down.

"Your a good dancer" Maura smiled at Tommy then taking a sip of her wine.

"Thanks. Ma made me take classes when i was younger so i know a thing or too" He smiled.

Jane walked in and changed the station and a slow romantic song played.

"Maura..." Jane said as she looked at her and held out her hand.

"Will you do me the honor and dance with me?" Jane asked.

"I would love to" Maura smiled as she blushed a bit and took Jane's hand.

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