Saving You; Chapter 21.

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"Maur..Will you have this dance with me?" Jane asked sweetly as she held out her hand to her new wife. Maura looked up and smiled taking Jane's hand and walking into the middle of the room with her.

"I love you." Maura whispers as she pulls Maura close and holds one hand and rests the other on the lower of her back.

"I love you too" Maura replied as she rests her head inti Jane's shoulder.

** ' Every time our eyes meet,

This feeling inside me, Its almost more than i can take.

And baby when you touch me, I can feel how much you love me.' **

The song played as they swayed together gently, As one. Family and friends stood and took photos of them and smiled then started to join in around then with their partners.

"This..Is perfect" Maura whispers and she holds Jane close.


"Well as best..Man i guess, I suppose i should say a few words." Frost said as he stood up from the top table.

"Well, I remember when me and Jane first met Maura. She was our new biology teacher in college. Jane couldn't keep her eyes off!" Frost laughed and the crowd did the same. Jane giggled into Maura's temple before placing a kiss.

"Jane..Has been my best friend since forever. And i know that Maura is a lucky woman. I hope you two all the best a lifetime of happiness. To Jane and Maura" He said as he held up his glass of Champaign.

"To Jane and Maura!" The crowd mumbled all at different times.

"Jane?" Frost said as he passed Jane the microphone.

Jane took it and stood up still holding Maura's hand.

"Well..Uh..." She sighed as she looked at Maura.

"I never in my life thought id get married. Especially to such an amazing person. Maura Had..Changed my life in a way that i didn't even know was possible. She's taught me what its like to love and has given me the experience..No one should ever experience!" Jane laughed as Maura blushed and smiled up at her.

"But..Above all that..She has given me love in return. She has made me realise that..Life doesn't last forever. You only live once and that you should do it right. Maura..I love you with all my heart. And i hope that one day i can make a family with you." Jane smiled down at Maura who had a single tear falling down her cheek.

Everyone clapped as Jane leaned down to kiss an emotional Maura.


"Jane where are you taking me?" Maura asked confused.

"Its a surprise! You'll know soon enough baby" Jane smiled as she zipped up her suitcase then Maura's.

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