Saving You; Chapter 8.

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Jane got her first phone call from Maura the next morning when she was getting ready for college.

"Hello" Jane said as she answered her cell.

"Hey Jane. Sorry i didn't ring sooner, I didn't want to wake you last night." Maura replied.

"Its okay. How is everything? how was the flight?" Jane asked as she jumped around on one foot putting her shoe on.

"It was long and my father is worse than i thought..He hasn't got long left Jane." Maura sounded upset on the phone.

"Baby. I know its going to be hard for you but im here for you whenever you need me. Call me whenever you want. I love you. You need to get some sleep." Jane said as she sat on the bed.

"I cant sleep.." Maura replied.

"I know..But you need to try honey" Jane said as she brushed her fingers through her long dark curly hair.

"I cant sleep without my baby to cuddle up too" Maura said cutely.

"Let me come out there" Jane pleaded.

"No..You have to finish school. As soon as your done you can come with me everywhere." Maura said sounding less upset and more motherly like.

"Okay well as much as id love to stay and talk...I have school.." Jane said as she put her other shoe on.

"Okay..Call me when you have free period ok?" Maura asked.

"Ok..I love you" Jane replied.

"I love you too.." Maura said sweetly then hung up the phone.


4 weeks had passed since Maura flew out to Rome. Jane and Maura spoke on the phone every day as much as they could.

"Hey..Isnt it a bit late for you to be up?" Jane smiled as she answered her phone.

"Ja..Jane..." Maura's voice broke.

Jane stopped making coffee and turned around and leaned on the island in the kitchen.

"Maur..Whats wrong?" Jane asked concerned for her Girlfriend.

"He..He's gone Jane" Maura said then broke down into tears on the phone. Jane didn't reply for a moment as she was in shock.

"Oh god! Maura im so sorry.." Jane replied.

"I need you Jane." Maura said through her tears.

"Ill be on the first flight out of here! Don't worry ill be there as soon as possible" Jane said as she walked into the bedroom pulling clothes from her wardrobe.

"Okay..Uh..God Jane i dont know what to do" Maura cried.

"Alright just go to bed and relax try not to think about..Get some sleep baby" Jane said as she started folding clothes into the small suitcase.


Jane arrived in Rome the next morning at 11 o'clock. A man holding a sign that said 'Rizzoli' Was waiting by a black Mercedes.

"Hi..I'm Jane Rizzoli" Jane said as she walked up to the smartly dressed guy standing by the back door.

"Morning Ma'am" The guy said as he opened the back door for Jane.

She was wearing tight faded blue ripped jeans, A white tank top, With white vans, white Rey bans and a light brown hat that sat on the back of her head where her long black locks hung.

When Jane arrived at the Lodge House where Maura was she nearly had a fit from the side of the house. It was an old fashioned house but so beautiful. It must have had at least 12 bedrooms.

"Ma'am" The guy said as he opened the door of the car. Jane stepped out and stood there for a moment looking at the place when she was distracted by a beautiful woman standing at the top of the steps leading to the door.

Maura was wearing dark blue skinny Jeans with a tight white vest and small white pumps with her hair tied back. She had no makeup on and you could see the bags under her eyes where she hadn't slept.

Jane smiled as Maura began to walk down the stairs. Jane opened her arms to the woman and Maura accepted the invitation and tip toed up to wrap her arms around Jane's neck. Maura burrowed her head into Jane's neck and closed her eyes.

"Hey" Jane whispered in Maura's ear as they held each other.

"Hi" Maura smiled in relief to herself.

Maura looked at Jane and cupped her cheeks in her hands and kissed her before letting go.

"Could you take the bags to my room Please Martin" Maura asked the man standing at the back of the car holding a bag and suitcase. The man did as he was told.

"You alright?" Jane asked as Maura twined her fingers through Jane's and started to walk up the stairs.

"Everything's better now your here" Maura replied. Jane smiled and put her arm around Maura's shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

Even though Maura had no make up on and look like hell Jane still though she was the most beautiful creature ever lived.

As Jane and Maura entered the big brown doors to the lodge house Maura's mother stood there without a sad look in her eye.

"Jane..This is my mother" Maura said as Jane leaned in to shake her hand. Her Mother walked closer to Jane and pulled her in for a hug.

"Your family now. We don't shake hands." The woman smiled.

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