Saving you: Chapter 14.

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"Jane get your ass up and help me!" Maura yells as she stands infront of Jane blocking the tv.

"Maura Come on! Red Sox are playing!" Jane moans as she holds her arms out trying to see past Maura's beautiful figure.

"Jane! Your mother ans your brothers will be here soon! You need to set the table" Maura said sternly.

"Baby. Come on!" Jane wines as she grabs Maura's hips and pulls her onto her she Maura is kneeling on the sofa one leg each side of Jane.

"Jane" Maura sighs as Jane leaves a trail of hot kisses down Maura's neck.

"5 more minuets..Then. ill set the table. I promise" Jane said kissing Maura's neck in-between words.

"You better otherwise i will punish you!" Maura winked as she stood up and walked back to the kitchen.

"I like the sound of that!" Jane teased as she took another sip of her beer.


Maura came down the stairs in a tight red dress that hugged her body in all the right places. Wearing red heels. Her blonde locks hung perfectly on her shoulders.

"Babe. You look hot!" Jane said in a horny voice.

"Thank you Jane. Now you'd better go change because you look like someone has dragged you through a bush. No matter how much i like the rough look of Jane Rizzoli i dont think your mother would appreciate it" Maura smiled.

"Oh thanks Maur! Way to lift my spirits" Jane laughed then placed a soft kiss on Maura's lips then headed for the stairs.

20 minuets later Jane walking into the kitchen in tight light blue jeans and a tight white shirt with the top 3 buttons undone showing off her tanned chest. White converse and her hair falling above her breasts.

"Thats better" Maura smiled as she saw Jane. Jane smiled as mobed closer to Maura causing her to shuffle back where her behind touched the counter. Jane leaned both hands either side of Maura and pushed her pubic bone into Maura's centre.

"Jane" Maura breathed as she felt Jane push into her.

"Jane stop. They will be here any minuet" Maura said as she closed her eyes feeling Jane's touch. Jane stood up and dropped her arms from Maura's side and cupped her face.

"Your right..Im sorry..But this doesn't mean your off the hook. As soon as they leave..." Jane went of trail as she walked over to the sofa.

"Okay Jane, Whatever you say baby" Maura smiled as she turned around to carry on preparing the food.


"Hey Angela, Frankie. Tommy" Maura nodded and placed a kiss on all of their cheeks as they entered.

"Hey Maura" Each of them said.

"Jane's in there watching the Red Sox game." Maura pointed in the direction of the living room.

Tommy and Frankie went straight into the living room to sit next to Jane and watch the game while Angela followed Maura to the kitchen to help her with the food.

"Hey sis..Whats the score?" Tommy asked as he slumped down next to Jane.

"6-0 To red's" Jane smiled as she scooted over for the boys to fit on.

Maura handed Angela a knife so she could cut some of the veg up.

"Maura honey. I want you to know that i don't hate you. You done the right thing for Janie. I know you love her. And i know she loves you more than you probably know." Angela said as she cut the carrots.

"Trust me...I know how much she loves me. She tells me everyday" Maura smiles at the though of Jane telling her she loves her.

"I just..I don't want to see her hurt" Angela said sadly looking at Maura.

"If your trying to imply that i would be the cause of her hurting. Your wrong. I love Jane. More than i though was possible. She is my world Angela i would never hurt her" Maura explained.

Angela was about to reply but Jane interrupted.

"Hey..How dinner going?" She asked as she looked over Maura's shoulder and stole a piece of chicken.

"Jane!" Maura yelled then giggled as she shooed Jane's hand away.

"Im hungry!" Jane laughed as she at the piece of chicken then placed a kiss on Maura's soft lips.

"Well you have to wait! Go sit at the table like a good girl" Maura winked and pushed Jane towards to table.


"Wow...Maura your an amazing cook" Frankie said through a mouthful of chicken.

"I taught her everything she knows" Jane laughed and she looked at Maura who was pulling a 'Really?' Look.

A few hours later everyone was sat in the living room talking about how much they've all missed in each others lives.

Time went round quick and it was already 9pm.

"I think we should leave you guys now. I mean its 9pm already" Angela glanced at her clock.

"Okay Ma." Jane smiled removing her arms from around Maura and standing up to show them out.

Tommy and Frankie said there goodbye's and headed to their cars. Angela hugged Jane at the door then whispered-

"She's a keeper Jane. Dont mess it up" then headed to her car.

Jane smiled at the thought of her mothers approval of Maura. Who wouldn't approve of her. She was perfect.

"Well that went better than i thought" Jane said as she plumped down back on the sofa next to Maura.

"Me too" Maura smiled.

"I love you Maur" Jane smiles slipping her hand into Maura's.

"I love you too" Maura replied then placed a long, Loving kiss on Jane's lips.

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