chapter 2 reason behind the collab

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The reason I made the collab channel seven directioner was louds of you were asking me to be part of you collab channel and I couldn't be on four of five different collabs each week that would taken up a load of my time so I decide I would make my own channel and I got people to audition for it and then had to film the audition and answer some question then two week later I randomly pick seven different people out of cup that includes me and then I pick out name out of the other cups because in the auditions they suggested the names idea.

The line up has changed since the original one which is a shame but I love everyone that on it and that has been on it.

We then made a go of the collab channel on 1st October 2014 and we now have eighty four subscribes and we now in may 2015 and hope to gain more before are first anniversary which is only six month away so they plenty of time.

This collab channel is with people all over the world but most of us are from the united kingdom but we did have someone from the Netherlands at the beginnings and we do have someone from New Zealand.

We did have trouble at the beginning with people hacking the collab channel and changing names of videos and delete videos that has now been doubt with and I hope the collab channel can continue without anymore problems.

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