Chapter three the reason I started vlogging

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 Recently I been watching a lot of people on YouTube who are either daily vlogger or people that vlogs occasionally but I really enjoy seeing into their day to day life and finding to be very interesting and it nice to see how much they interact with their subscribes on a day to day basic. They people I watch every day and it really inspired me to want to start vlogging so I did and I don't regret one bit at all. To start vlogging for me was a huge step because I had only just started showing my face on camera but now showing you guys what I get up to every day has changed my life and I love how much you guys have become part of my life. You're not just subscribes to me and not just friend but you're a family and your support is just phenomenal and with you guys I wouldn't be able to take this huge step.  I was really nervous when first started vlogging as like said I had only just started showing my face a few month ago so it was very nervous time for me because it was ever going to be a huge success or a massive fail but lucky for me and you it was a success and I hope I will carry on vlogging for as long as you guys enjoy it.

You guys seem to really enjoy seeing and hearing about my every life the feedback in comment I get from you guys are so lovely and it amazing you guys take time out of your life to sit and watch some time five minute worth videos but then it could be up to 15 minutes of you time depending on the vlog and what I had done that day.

Vlogging every day is quite hard especially if you having a bad day but I do try my best to vlog every single day and to include things that you will enjoy and to get upload to YouTube for a reasonable time for you to watch it.

The hardest bit about vlogging is when you doing it in public specially around my area people don't understand what you're doing and you get a lot of weird looks of people but you have to look past that and carry on which is easy said than done when you lack confident like I do.

I will contain vlogging as long as you guys carry on watching them.

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