Chapter 16 - depression

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People are going to stay your copying zoella but I'm not, I'm not going to much into depression , why I got it too much but due to my past and things happen in my past making me very unhappy so much that it go to me.

It was family issue , relationship issue and it was all around the same time and I didn't know how to deal with it.

I do realise the way I dealt with it was stupid , trying to kill yourself because of you past is not the answer.

With help from friends and family when they found out plus support of cousellener at college help a great deal.

But Youtube was the greatest help of all it got me out of the hole I was in and changed everything.

I still have my bad days but I get through them with the help from my viewers but I don't really want to go into much depth about depression because I would talk about more if I ever do autobiography.

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