Chapter 8 - telling friends and family

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I remember the first person I told out of my friend was Islay and she was like asking what you do is fun and I did some video with her and stuff and she had good fun in them at the time I was only doing video to do with one direction at the time.

I remember around the same time I told Islay about my YouTube I told Lauren my niece she was the first one out of my family to find out, I can't remember what she said about it first I think she said does your mum know I said no not yet and I'm not telling her for a while and she was in some of my very early videos where I only filmed the teddy.

Then not long after telling Lauren people kept asking me if I want to trade a for a while I kept saying no because my mum didn't know but I decide to tell her and I sent it to her by text and then she called me down stair and she was like explain I did and she like it fine as long as you don't show your face and I didn't show my face I just filmed the bears.

Then at the end of last year I was becoming more confident I decided to start showing half of my face and as time went on I now show my whole face and I'm so much more confident and my mum doesn't mind and my dad doesn't understand it he just know I send stuff to people from YouTube.

The other day I was talking to my uncle about YouTube and he was asking question about it and I was answering them and my sister was they and sister in law were they and some my family not keen on the idea but I never film a family event because my family don't want to be in video expect Lauren. I would love to do the mother and daughter tag but she won't be in video with me and I would love to do sister tag but my sister refuse to be in a video and I would love to be in video with my brother but he refuse so this why I can't do those tags. 

My whole family know what I do in my spare time when I haven't got course work or anything else to do.

Last Friday my mum went to lunch with our neighbour and close friend Juliet and I was shopping and I come to sit down and my mum mentioned my YouTube and she was impressed and it was shocked to hear my mum tell someone else that I do YouTube.

Lucie's Life from then to nowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora