Chapter 15 - meeting concept

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I knew about them since 2010 but they weren't they well know and they were only a five piece and in 2012 ben started playing the guitar for them , Scott was the one that came up with the idea of the band.

I never went to see them before because at the time I weren't sure if I could cope in gig place because I thought it be too loud for my ears as I have sensitive ears.

My niece message me about them 2013 said she met ben selley I was like cool and she was like he performed with in a band and when she said band I said concept she said yes so I started looking them up and listen to them and then fell in love unfortunaly my niece did the stupidest thing every and throw away his autograph which was ignoring.

Then I saw them on the x factor 2014 and I was texting Lauren I'm like that concept and she said I think it is and she said I'm not sure and then look on twitter and it was and I was so incredible proud of how far their got on the x factor but Louis Walsh made a huge mistake and that just say if I ever meet him I would have few choice word for him.

I went to see them at the Basingstoke Christmas light switch on but sadly I didn't get chance to meet them all properly as we had to leave after first set because my niece and nephew was coming down for week and that was first time of me meeting Scott and got autograph from him and my mum managed to get the other autograph of them and I was over the moon.

Second time I saw them was actually on my 21st birthday me and my mum got up early and drove all the way to Essex for soccer six and it was incredible. I spoke the ben first and I was so nervous and he was so lovely and kind and caring and then after the run the basketball completion just they performed and I got picture with all of them and they realised it was my birthday and they were like happy birthday and then I told them I was from Basingstoke they like that deserves a high five and my mum and Scott dad got talking and Scott dad Stephen gave my mum business card to get in contact about when they next gigs are.

On the day they announce they were performing at the Haymarket they local theatre in are town I was like I need to go and I was lucky enough to get two tickets the day ticket come out and they were VIP and on the day I got ticket ben followed me and dm all in one day I didn't even ask him to it just happen because I replied to his tweet about getting tickets and the following Saturday Karim followed me I didn't even ask him to and then following Wednesday I was on holiday and the group account followed me.

Then it came to Haymarket gig and I took my friend Emily and I meet my subscribe Shannon for the first time and had my first every picture and it was nice and I meet Zoe , Chloe , Abbie and they were all lovely people and I'm still in touch with them all.

Then after the Haymarket gig I wasn't sure when I was seeing them again and then they announce they were performing in Tadley at this music festival two week after ben twenty first birthday and I wasn't sure if I could go mum said unless your find someone to go with you can't go so everyone I ask was busy so I ask my friend Chloe marsh and she heard of concept but never listen to them before and she like them now and she recognised Scott as she saw him in the gym.

Then after that I didn't think I would be seeing them for a while but the following Friday I did my first YouTube meet up which I will be talking about in another chapter but after my friend left I was walking back in town from the bus stop and saw Karim and matt I'm like that concept and some weird reason I put ben present in my bag and I caught up with them and I said hi and I spoke to them and we had conversation and they ask what I was doing and I said about the meet up and now just shopping and then just was like I actually got ben birthday present like were like on you I was like yeah they started try to get his attention but he couldn't hear as he was on the phone and I walked up to him and said his name and he turn around thinking it the lads look down and saw me and he face lit up and he hanged the phone up and I said I have your birthday present and he took and then I went off forget to get picture but spent another two hour waiting for my mum to pick me up so I saw them again and managed to get picture with ben and Nathan took it and then I said I don't when I next see them and then I went off are separates way.

Then following Friday I was in town and I saw matt and karim walking toward Claire's accessoire so I walked up to them and started talking to them and I went quiet and they said ben up they and look up and he was and I was like smile from cheek to cheek come on and I tried to walk up to him and he started walking off then I got close enough and said his name he turn around and thought it was the boys but he saw me and his face lit up and we spoke for a good amount of time and we talked about him going to LA as him and his brother was going they in six day and ben could tell I was getting sad and then he changed the subject to Thorpe park and we discuss the tea cup.

Then I hadn't seen him since then and then Monday the 6th July came and I went to Thorpe park to see concept and we got there and I went with Abbie and Chloe and we meet them and spent the whole day with them but unfortunaly ben wasn't well so on Monday didn't go on any rides and my friend made him feel bad about the tea cup and we walked around the park together and he tried to joke with me and make me smile and it was good day expect for the tea cup and we walked to the car with them and me and ben had lovely conversation on the way out and cause he was to busy speaking to me he tripped up my friend Abbie.
I didn't know when I was next seeing them and a week later they were touring with Jake quickendon and I kept mention they tour to my mum but she kept saying no but the Wednesday the 15th july she called me down and said they boys are in oxford on the 17th july would you like to go I said I would like to go and see them but Im not really fans of the other people she said they still ticket available and she said we talk about it tomorrow. So thrusday come and me and my mum discussed it and we bought tickets and then Friday come and my mum kept saying tweet the boys I said no im going to surprise them.

So I cant remember exactly what time we arrived in oxford but we got out of the car I started to feel bit anxiety but I carried on we walk out of the car park and started walking down the street and suddenly the anxiety feeling went I had no idea why until I hear a voice I recognise then I turned around I saw Ben and I said mum ben behind us and she said say hello then and as I said that scott said "what you doing here " surprise guys here for you and ben hand went straight out for a hug so I can official say scott recognised me.

The gig was brilliant and after the gig I saw boys again afterward and ben was the only one to hug me and he asked me how it was and I said brilliant as always. Then I got selfie and they all signed the ticket and got hug of ben and he put his hand up to my mum and then I tweeted them thanks for a great night and he put thanks for coming.

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