chapter 32 - going to cruft 2016

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This week the count down to this day I been so excited . I went last year and Had the best time every it was awesome like the best thing we every done. We left early last year and cause we were in good time we stop of at the services and that where a lot of people had stop that had dogs to let them do well their bussiness I would use posh word for it but I dont know who reading this and if their understand big words so I said bussiness anyway I'm rambling back to what I was saying , We didnt leave as early this year so we didnt stop at the service and their was something slightly diffrent about this year we had to take a wheel chair yep a wheel chair the reason we took a wheel chair is cause of my knee cap keep popping in and out and I had physio but didnt help so know been refred to the knee clinic but that get back to crufts. so when we arrive like every year you get a shuttle bus to the Nec where cruft is held and then we left the wheel chair in the cloackroom you pay a pound.

we had look around the stalls as their had five halls full of stand that were selling stuff to do with dogs  , we then walk through to the arena where their doing the showing and watch the agility then we come out and look around the shop some more I got push around in the wheel chair for a bit then we went to the arena again for the next bit of agility which we sadly missed because we had to wait for space as it was full eventually we got in and sat and watch some of the things on and then we got more into the actually wheelchair area and then we left and did last bit of shoppings and I got agility jump because I really want to train My dogs to do agility .

The shop werent suppose to close until 8pm but their started to kick you out just after eight so didnt get to look around the last bit of the shop that why me and mum things you need two days one day to watch what you want and one day to shop .

It really good day out for any dog lover and I love going and now I think I be going every year for the rest of my life and Hopefully Maybe one day I will be showing my dogs their that would be my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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