chapter 6 - dealing with hate

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The internet is a cruel place, where a lot more people hate on people for no good reason just because they have nothing better to do with they life all they want to do is make other people miserable.

I have dealt with a lot of hate from people comment horrible things on my videos most of it just stupid things but sometime some of the comment can be really hurtful.

Some hate has really upset me that I end up in tears for a while and if it hate comment that really has upset me I normal just delete it , flag it to YouTube and then block them , then YouTube can deal with it.

Some hate comment have even made me feel like quitting YouTube , even the other day I had hate comment on cover video I did but I just flagged it ,block them and deleted the comment.

Yesterday I was watching another Youtuber do a Q&A and she had some good advice on how to deal with hate and she said if it hate comment then she replied to them and make it positive response by being polite and making a negative in to positive.

For example let say someone comment on my video saying Your video are awful and then I would reply by saying thanks for the feedback I will take that into consideration and make them better. Your turned a negative /hate comment into positive and your not starting argument because your not being rude your being polite and positive and your not letting the hater see that they upset you.

The hater don't get to me now , when every I get hate comment I compare with the amount of good and positive comment and I rarely get hate  and I think about how much YouTube has changed my life for the better I honest don't know what I would do without YouTube.

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