chapter 28 - Merchandise designing

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Making merchandise I have been planning some future merchandise , Such as some cool merch such as t-shirt and poster and signed photo.

I used Microsoft word to design the tops and the merchandise. I'm hoping to get my logo copyrighted so that I can use on my merchandise .

I also want to make my own website so that I can put on like meet up date and like pictures of me meeting you and like merchandise and talk about my blog and everything about me but for now just got to make do with YouTube and my blog post and all my other social media that I spend way to much time on then. 

it cost money to get you logo copy righted so that will mean it will take time so I dont know on how soon I could get it out .

Hopefully by the end of 2016 my logo will be copy righted and then at the beginning I can sort of thinking about merch coming out in the beginning of 2017.

I want to get my viewers involved in the design of some of the merchandise so their will be competition and that so that you guys can get involved and the person who design I like most will win a signed edition of that design for free .

Because I want you to be involved as much as possible and give back to you as much as possible .

I'm so excited to see what happen on my YouTube journey in twenty sixteen already feel like it going to be a good year.

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