The Darkened Highway Chapter One-Revised

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I glance out of the car window, my eyes tracing the endless stretch of trees that line the highway. The lush greenery surrounds us, towering giants reaching for the sky. It's as if we've entered a realm of nature's grandeur, an untouched wilderness. The sun barely penetrates the thick canopy, casting shadows on the winding road ahead.

Beside me, Ben grips the steering wheel, his brow furrowing as he navigates the unfamiliar path. His fingers tap against the leather surface, a subtle display of tension. "This drive is taking so long," I murmured, my voice tinged with unease.

He offers a reassuring smile, his eyes briefly leaving the road to meet mine. "Sweetie, we have about another two days' worth of driving. I guess we can call this a half-road trip, half-camping trip."

I let out a small sigh, shifting in my seat. "You're right. I know that already." My fingers trace patterns on the windowpane, the passing trees a blur of green. "Sorry, I don't mean to whine. It's just these woods that go on forever."

"It's fine, honey; I've never taken this route before since we had to make a detour."

I glance at the dense forest surrounding us, the towering trees seemingly closing in. "It's just that why would a detour add two entire days onto the trip? What kind of construction is going on back there?"

He shrugs, his eyes back on the road. "I dunno, really. It is weird."

The woods seem to press closer, their presence overwhelming. "These woods are dense," I say, my voice softer now, almost a whisper. "I really don't want to be in the middle of nowhere in the woods like this."

Ben's fingers tighten on the steering wheel, and he lets out a nervous chuckle. "About a hundred miles back, we'd taken a detour. We'd been driving through a dense, dark forest since then. Trees as massive as the sequoia redwood reached highly high towards the sky, while mountain ash and yellow meranti joined their brethren in a match for the dense sunlight. The leafy canopies of each tree spread like an umbrella, and the massive giants made up most of the forest's trees. Most of the day, the sun was out with clear skies.

Yet almost no sunlight touched the road as the tall trees blocked the sun. In general, this is how the forest looked in this area. Because Washington is known for its towering trees, and California is close by, I expected it. Doerner fir, Sitka spruce, and Sierran redwood made up the rest of the forest.

A peculiar observation is that trees not native to our region grow in the middle of the Washington territories. 'I wonder if these trees grew here long ago but went extinct because of deforestation?' I marveled at how they towered high above the highway like towering skyscrapers."

As the motorhome continues to wind its way through the forest, I can't help but feel a shiver of apprehension. The verdant beauty of the trees conceals something more profound, something unsettling. It's as though the very heart of the forest holds secrets, and I can't shake the feeling that we're driving deeper into an unknown and ominous territory.

Life had taken a turn for the better; I could feel it deep within. A whole year had passed since I embarked on my college journey, and I had finally chosen a major that felt like the right fit, a beacon guiding me toward my future. I'd never been the most outgoing person, often preferring the solace of my own thoughts.

Portwood, the city that had become my new home, was unlike anything I'd experienced before. Though it was no sprawling metropolis, its bustling college scene made it seem monumental in comparison to my small-town roots. With over seventy thousand residents, it was my city of dreams.

My first few months at Portwood's Christian College had been tumultuous, to say the least. The initial sense of being overwhelmed was a constant companion, like a shadow that refused to fade. Finding my place in this vibrant academic community had been an uphill battle. But amidst the chaos, there was one constant that kept me grounded, my anchor to sanity—Ben. My boyfriend, Ben, was nothing short of amazing. He had been my unwavering source of support, my guiding star through the storms of uncertainty. His encouragement had been my lifeline, urging me not to falter when the road ahead seemed treacherous.

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