The Darkened Highway Chapter Four

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I went back into the rear of the RV motorhome to the bedroom. We had a small bathroom, a small shower, and our bedroom had an extra king-sized bed in the back of our RV motorhome. The small shower next to the bedroom cabin provides quick access in the morning or before bed. My body was still chilled from being out in the icy breeze, and I wanted to warm up by taking a hot shower. It had to be quick since we weren't near any place with running water and we only had so much water stored. Happy watched with curiosity as I removed my clothes. I stepped into the small shower and turned the hot-water knob on. A few seconds later, the water warms up and when it was the right temperature; I stepped into the stream of heated water as it flowed down my body. I added cold water to even out the temperature. The feeling of steaming water washed away most of the uneasiness I experienced. This was just what I needed. I washed my body with lavender-scented soap.

As I finished up, I hummed a turn my mother taught me. A simple hymn that always seemed to bring solace whenever I heard it. In the bedroom cabin, I search for bedtime clothing to wear. After rummaging through my bag, I picked out a pink bra and panty set with tiny blue dots. Pink and blue were my favorite colors. I pulled the panties on, squeezing them over my hips, which felt tight against my ample bottom. Turning to the mirror, I turned around to examine my bottom, and after a little thought, Was my butt getting bigger?

I had gained no weight, but lately, I'd been working out more to prepare for our camping trip, as I didn't want to be the weak link. I stomped my leg as I watched my bottom jiggle in the mirror. Hmm, my butts definitely grew much bigger and more rounded. I'd have to buy new lingerie before the next semester. Although, I'm sure Ben wouldn't complain about this recent development as he probably already noticed. I started putting my bra on and, as I figured; it was hard to get the latch to snap in place. My breasts have grown too? Am I having a growth spurt?

Tussling with this latch was pointless, and I tossed it on the bed, deciding to slip into a white shirt. Damn, my shirts are too tight as well? How did I miss this when I packed my clothes? I carefully examined myself for a few more minutes in the mirror before I get into bed. It felt satisfying that I had grown in such a positive way without gaining weight. As I looked over my body, paying particular attention to my rounded bottom, ample breasts, and toned legs, I nodded in acceptance as I reviewed every curve of my physique. Happy hopped up on the bed as I lay down and he started licking my feet and toes. That was one of his favorite things to do when he was around me. I closed my eyes, thinking of what we'd do during our vacation.


I opened my eyes. The world around me was different. This isn't where I had fallen asleep. I was on the highway. It stretched out going for eternity. Something was different. The forest was different. Dark, foreboding clouds hung in the open sky. The tree line on each side of the road seemed distant. An afterthought far away from me. The grass on either side of the road lay blackened or replaced with barren dirt. I took a step forward. Everything blurred past me. What the hell is going on? The scenery passed me the way it does when driving down a road. How could that be if I wasn't moving? As soon as it had started, the blurring ceased, and an ominous silence crept into my mind. I stood in front of a behemoth, dark black tree that towered over the horizon. Its shadow cast over the entire region. An ominous God gazing over the vast land. And it was growing, growing farther and wider with each breath. How could it breathe? Even from the distance I stood. A slow, rhythmic pulse resounded through the air. A steady, tremendous, and deep thump that echoed in my soul. It was mesmerizing, drawing me in with every thump that vibrated through the ground. It was as if the darkened tree was alive. I knew I heard the beating of a heart. It grew louder with each beat.

"I-I don't know what this is?" I whispered aloud.

The glaze of this ancient abhorrent tree knew me. It wanted to take me to places I hadn't conceived. Places that no human should set foot in. I was being drawn inwards. My foot took another step. A fear suffocated me as my foot touched the road ahead of me. With every fiber in my body, I fought to turn away. An unnerving feeling pulled just beneath my skin. Blackish veins crawled slightly underneath and across my skin.

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