The Darkened Highway Chapter Eleven

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A faint barking sound woke me up again. It was close to nightfall. Happy ran up to me, licking my feet and toes as per his custom, and Ben was not far behind him. I lay in a bed of leaves that covered my entire body. The tree I had spent the night before was looming over me.

"Where the hell did you run off to?" Ben said, panting.

"Where did you and Happy run off to? I followed you out here then..." I paused.

"Then what?"

"I don't remember," I whispered.

"Hannah, why did you go off by yourself again? I wasn't in the forest, remember?" Ben said, stressed.

"You didn't wave for me to follow you?" I asked, puzzled.

"No, I found you were gone, nowhere to be seen after Happy was barking at something," Ben revealed.

"I could have sworn you were calling for me to follow you!"

"I don't know what to say. Happy and I have been looking for you for hours. I had to turn the RV motorhome around and come back a few miles just to find you."


"Babe, your dress was over a mile down back the way we came. The pink one you put on this morning."

"I dunno what happened. What is happening?"

"I don't know either. All I can say is most of your clothes are gone. Someone must have gotten back into the motorhome again. We have to get you back to where it's safe."

For the second time today, Ben carried me back out of this dark forest. Without him even saying a word, I sensed the worry in him, and he was in fear for me. What did I see earlier? Why can't I remember what happened? By the time we got to the motorhome, it was now well into the night. This time, all the doors to the RV motorhome were open, and all the lights were on. If there was a doubt that someone was fucking with us, it was apparent now. The panties I had lost lay in the road with bloody stains. Somehow, I knew that blood was from me, but it wasn't from any wound. My hand subconsciously covered my mound. I started my period just the other day.

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