The Darkened Highway Chapter Five

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I woke up feeling refreshed by the sound of Ben calling to me as I hopped out of bed. My body was sweating, and the bed was damp. Had I had a nightmare? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember the dream. I felt a sense of refreshing relief, yet there was this lingering feeling that I couldn't describe. Maybe it's just my imagination.

"Honey, are you coming?"

I resigned to rustle myself out of bed, and the smell of his cooking piqued my interest. I hopped out of bed and went straight for the mahogany Chester draw. A quick peek at myself in the mirror reveals I looked worn out.

"Shit, I can't go eat breakfast like this." I said aloud.

I turned, walking to the shower removing my clothes as I opened the glass door. The door had the glossy door obscuring your body when you were in the shower. Closing the door behind me, I turned on the water standing just outside the flow of water. I didn't want my food to get cold, so I turned up the hot water. A quick shower! In and out. Steam filled the shower as the water began steaming. Stepping into the hot water and I grab the bar of soap. Don't need to be too thorough, just need to freshen up. When I was done, I turned the water off and opened the door. I grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped it around my body. I had a hard time getting the towel around my breast, but my stomach growled, shifting my attention to getting dressed.

Looking in the mirror, I grabbed my comb from the drawer, and I quickly combed my hair. I found a yellow short and wavy dress to wear. Since I had no bra, I picked this dress because it was a good fit. I looked in the mirror, checking my appearance. I confirmed my analysis from last night. There was a noticeable difference, and I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't noticed before. My body filled every inch of the yellow dress, bringing out the curves of my figure. The outline of my bottom was prominent under my dress, and I changed my panties to a pair of white mesh bikinis. They were softer and would not show my panty line. I always thought having a panty line in public was embarrassing. Although there was no one out here, I still felt more comfortable not showing the outline of my underwear.

My bosom filled the front of my dress, but there was nothing to be done about that. At least my breasts aren't hanging out! Well, just barely. I made a quick check in the mirror to make sure my dress only showed the roundness of my bottom, and when I was content, I hurried to the front of the RV motorhome. Breakfast was ready when I sat down at the half-square table. Big enough for two or three people. The smell of bacon, eggs, and sausage filled the motorhome, and my stomach was thoroughly hungry. Ben made the fluffiest eggs I had ever had in my life. They had the perfect texture and the right flavor that melted in your mouth. I eagerly scooped a full spoon of eggs into my mouth.

"Mmmm good, you really outdid yourself this morning, Mr. Chef!"

"Well, anything for Milady!" Ben replied, bowing with a smile. He took his seat in front of me across the dining table.

"I love you, silly!" I responded, giggling.

"I love you too, honey," Ben replied as he ate a piece of bacon.

"I can't wait till we meet up with our parents at the cabin."

"I'm with ya! Your mother's macaroni casserole is to die for. It's so cheesy and yummy. Then there are your dad's famous meatballs. I can't get enough of them," Ben replied with a big grin.

"What about your mother's german chocolate cake or your dad's beef stroganoff?" I shot back.

"Yeah, but I have had that my whole life. Your parents can cook. I wonder why that talent skipped a generation."

"Ha-ha-ha, nice one. You should be a comedian instead of a scientist. You might have a career!"

"Yes-Yes I try. Anything to put a smile on, milady!"

Ben giggled, and I took in everything. He was funny, cheerful, and adventurous. Meeting Ben that first year was my fortune, and he became the love of my life. I took a moment to look around the motorhome.

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