The Darkened Highway Chapter Three

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Hours came and went as we traveled down the dark road. The moon hung in the sky, casting an ominous light over the eerie forest. 'I've yet to see another vehicle. Are we the only ones on this road?' We'd switched spots, so Ben could get some rest. Despite wanting to protest, I knew he needed a break since he had driven most of the way. That left me alone in the driver's seat for the last few hours. I kept myself occupied by playing some music. It was on low to not disturb Ben. Nothing too disturbing, just soft love music, and I hummed along with the melody. Doing that comforted me, and I'd always loved it when my mother would sing to me. She'd start humming, then sing a sweet song to me even when I was older. When I look back on that, she would only sing to me. Mostly the same set of songs. I remember her eyes seemed to glow as she did so.

Suddenly, there was a binging sound that startled me. The gaslight was on, and it was time for a fuel up. So, I let up on the gas pedal and guided the massive vehicle onto the shoulder of the highway. Not that there was much of a shoulder, to begin with. Most of this stretch of road had become overgrown. A moment later, Ben walks into the cabin and sits in the passenger's seat with a smile. He must have set the alarm for when he thought we might run out of fuel. He checks the holo-Display, indicating we are low on fuel.

"This won't take long. I just need to go back to the fuel section and press a few buttons. Then, the fuel will transfer from the gas barrels in storage to the tanks. Simple as that. After this, I'll drive, and you can get some sleep," Ben said.

"Sure, thanks for that. I guess I am feeling a little tired," I said.

After getting a flashlight from under the seat, Ben hopped out of the motorhome. The entrance is to the drive section's rear, with several seats for additional passengers. I rolled the window down after he closed the door, then turned on the floodlights. It was strangely quiet outside, except for the noise coming from Ben. Waving my hand over the dashboard, the holo-Display comes on.

"Show all external cameras!" I said aloud.

Several floating displays float in a three-dimensional carousel over the dashboard in milliseconds. I can see all angles around the motorhome, but the quality is grainy. 'Shit, Ben might have to fix that!' I can barely see Ben walking to the rear of the motorhome. That's where the storage section is. The holo-Images fuzz becomes like white noise as Ben's figure fades out.

"Computer, can you clean up the quality of the surveillance system?"

A jingling sound plays before a female voice answers my question.

"I am not. There is interference from an unknown source. My systems are becoming unstable. I advise," a female voice said before cutting out.

"Computer? "

The jingle sound does not return, nor does the AI respond.


Outside the window, the weird stillness in the air sent chills down my spine. I felt uneasy, as if the woods were watching me. It became quiet after a few minutes, and I couldn't hear Ben. Reaching under the seat, I grabbed another flashlight. Stepping out of the motorhome, I turned on the light and waved my hand over the access panel prompting the entrance to close behind me. The doors to the motorhome close behind me with a whoosh. A chilly breeze caused my dress to flip in the wind, causing me to stumble.

"Geez, it's supposed to be summer. Why is it so cold?" I exclaimed.

I heard a rustling behind the motorhome near my SUV's trailer. Shining the flashlight that way revealed nothing. I sauntered on the length of the RV motorhome, flashing the light here and there. More rustling came from that area again.

"Hey Ben, you back there?" I whispered.

A few moments passed, and I was still waiting for an answer. Once I reached the motorhome's back, I saw something run into the woods. While monitoring the woods, I got into my car and began searching around it. I notice the entrance to the motorhome is open, but there's no sign of Ben. 'I know I closed the entrance?'

I hastily left my SUV, walking back toward the front of the motorhome. Immediately after noticing I had left, Ben would have emerged.

"Ben, where are you?" I said a little louder.

The feeling of something touching my back midway down made me leap forward. Turning around, I found Ben giggling.

"What are you doing? You scared the hell out of me!" I cried.

"Sorry about that. You're just too easy to jump scare," Ben said, laughing.

"Where were you?"

"I forgot the key to the gas cap. So I went back to get it, and Happy jumped out."

My fears eased a bit as Happy sat obediently by his side.

"Why did he jump out?"

"I dunno, Honey, he must've heard something in the forest."

"Did she run into the woods?"

"No, she ran up in front of the RV motorhome. So you didn't see us?"

"I guess I wasn't paying attention. Let's just get going again."

"No problem, just give me about three or four minutes."

I agree, nodding at his words, and turn to walk back inside the motorhome. I sat back in the passenger seat with Happy running beside me, jumping in my lap.

Geez, Ben was right. I'm easy to scare. But, in no time, we were back on the road.

"Fix the AI. It crapped out while I was trying to watch you on the surveillance system. It said there was some kind of interference, but when I asked her to clean up the picture, it went offline," I said, looking at him.

"Alright. Seems like an easy issue to fix. I'll look at the code first thing in the morning," Ben answered.

"Okay, well, I'm going to get some sleep. Wake me up if you need something, Honey." I said.

"Sure honey, sleep tight." He replied, smiling.

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