The Darkened Highway Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning came with the discovery of a gas station. What remnants of the station anyway, as it was old and abandoned. Ben wanted to check it out, and he thought he'd search for supplies. Maybe there was a map of the local area inside or he could find out if a town was nearby. That left Happy and me alone in the camper. Before leaving, he gave me two items: a small radio and a pistol from the hidden compartment. He was serious about me keeping it close and not stepping out of the RV.

I wanted to say something, but Ben was determined to go alone. He had this need to find something that would give us an idea of where we were. The GPS computer wasn't making any sense by this point. Thinking back, we probably should have been paying attention to that before now. There was also the fuel issue that was now a real problem. We should have been out of this forest a day or two ago. Three days we'd been driving down this highway with no end in sight. The gas station was the first sign of humankind since before deviating from our primary route. Ben had figured we had about one or two more days of fuel max before running out. So, this stop wasn't just to satisfy his curiosity. We needed fuel and there was no telling if we'd come across another station before we ran out. 'Ben filled up on fuel on both the RV motorhome's 100-gallon tanks and spare canisters before we even took this detour.' Turning back now wouldn't matter.

So now I'm left with just Happy and my thoughts. I turned the radio on, but nothing but static played. I sighed as it was the same with the holo-TV, no reception. Ben checked his satellite communicator, finding it had no signal either, or even his great grandpa's ham radio picked up static. Not that anyone uses that archaic stuff nowadays. I noticed the tree line was a few yards farther back on either side of the road. This small strip of the road had more sunlight. That meant the forest looked even more ominous than before. Happy's fanatic barking startled me, putting me on alert.

"What is it, Happy?"

He continued to bark, running to the back of the camper. The entire cabin rocked slightly. I froze for a second, waiting to see if what I just felt was real. A few minutes passed, and it happened again. The whole time, Happy barked nonstop. I checked both side mirrors. There was nothing visible. I tapped the console, bringing up the exterior camera, going through each camera. Again, there was nothing on the monitor. A loud bang came from the living room's cabin door. I held the pistol Ben gave me tightly in my grip. My palms were sweaty, and to be honest, I've never fired a weapon in my life. That thought just scared me more, but there was more for me to be terrified of out there. The passenger side door banged, and I jumped out of that side into the kitchen, falling flat on my bottom. Something had crawled in front of the camper. I catch just a glimpse of black hair briefly. A bang slammed the top of the RV, and heavy footsteps rumbled across the roof of the camper.

My heart was racing. I sat as still as possible, listening for the next scare. Screeching sound came from the rear of the camper. It was loud and Happy's barking ceased. Not wanting to see what it was, I fought the urge to find out, but I still felt compelled to turn my head. An enormous hand covered in thick black fur and sharp black nails scratched at the window. I lost my composure as my body trembled out of control at the sight. It wasn't fear that worried me, but the emotions I experienced from seeing its hand and I didn't want to think of what that feeling meant. I pulled my legs together tightly, trying to resist the urge growing in between my thighs. They were shaking with uncontrollable tremors. Just looking at that hand caused this extreme reaction in me. Now, I had no choice but to start totally freaking out. I clenched my hands as I struggled to fight the overwhelming urges building inside me.

The hand disappeared suddenly, and the living room door rattled. I sat next to the door, and its presence filled the air. It was like a pressure in the air weighing my body and mind down. The intense sensation was sending a tingling feeling all over my body as I sat quivering in response. An uncontrollable need to open the camper door engulfed my body as I sensed the feeling of the creature on the other side. My thighs clenched as the vibration of my vagina climaxed. A torrent of fluid came out of my womb onto the carpet. The door rattled in excitement and shook more violently before it flung open. I lay there with my knees up to my chest. I fought to hold in the urges between my legs, but every pound of my heart released my juices onto the floor. There was nothing there, but I knew he was close, and my womb trembled with anticipation. I scooted back against the couch when Happy darted out the open door. 'Where the hell is Ben? I thought.' This was a dangerous situation. My hand was shaking so badly I barely held the pistol in front of me. Every time I tried to hold it with both hands, I went into another series of orgasms. 'You got to be fucking kidding me! This thing can make me cum just by looking at it?'

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