The Darkened Highway Chapter Twenty

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It was well in the night when we arrived at our destination. As my beast released me, I noticed where we were now. It was a large cabin that was mysterious yet ominous looking. The age of the cabin was old but well kept. To my wildest surprise, Happy greeted us.

"How are you here, Happy?" I said in a serious tone. He simply lapped his tongue as he watched me.

"This place draws him here," Tessa said.

A firm hand touched my shoulder, turning me around to face him. For the second time, he kissed me deeply. By this point, I couldn't resist his advances. He grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. After that, he beckoned for Tessa to come. She did, with no sign of hesitation. He wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her as deeply as he'd done with me. The three of us stood there embraced together. Somehow, I didn't have the strength to pull myself away.

"Who are you? What are you?" I said, panting.

It was like running a marathon at full speed for hours. My body was heating up, my womb was burning with a sensation I'd never felt before. He stood silently as he came to within inches of my face. His hot breath blew against my face. There was a weakness in my knees. They trembled with a longing.

"What do you want from me?" I muttered softly.

"You...," he said in a deep voice.

Before another word came from my mouth, he swept me off my feet again. Carrying me inside his cabin. The inside of the cabin was much cozier than I would have thought. The beast that had pursued me was in man form, and he gently let me stand on my own. As I looked around, I became awestruck by how modern and well-kept the inside of the cabin was. It was more like a ski resort than a cabin. I drew my eyes to the center of the room. I gasped at what was there. A massive sequoia tree stood at the center of the great room, rising through the roof. The great room was open to three floors above, and the rafters were made from huge wooden beams. At the ceiling was a set of stairs that climbed even further up the magnificent tree. It had the same eerie and majestic feel, like the trees I'd seen in the forest.

"Come... Please," the man said as he gestured for me to take his hand. Without thinking, I placed my hand in his. He took mine and reached for Tessa's hand and walked us around the majestic tree into a connection room behind it. It was just as large as the previous room, with three different sets of furniture around a gigantic fireplace.

"What is this place?" I asked cautiously.

"It is home. Your home," he replied.

"What do you mean? My home is in Portland!" I answered.

"This is your home now. It is safe here."

"I can't stay here! Tessa, we have to leave and find Ben," I urged as I looked at Tessa.

"Hannah... we can't. If we do, then..." she trailed off as a look of fear overcame her face.

The man turned to Tessa, putting his hand on her cheek.

"Do not worry. You are safe here," he stated as he gently placed a kiss on her cheek.

"He will come for me!" Tessa replied as she kissed him back.

"And I will protect both of you."

"What about Ben? He is out there alone."

"I cannot help him. For this I am truly sorry," the man said in a saddened voice.

"What do you mean, you can't help him?" I questioned loudly.

"It is not possible. Tessa is aware of this. He must find his own way to survive. That is his only chance."

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