The Darkened Highway Chapter Fifteen

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After leaving the bedroom, I went up to the driver's cabin to sit with Ben. 'What did we just do in the shower?' It was all that my mind could think about. Why did we do that to each other? My behavior confused me, and I reflected on what happened. I looked back at Tessa as she cuddled up on the couch. Before I had the chance to tell her, she could sleep in the bed, she was asleep. She must have been beyond tired. Closing my eyes, I sniffed the air, and her sweet scent was still on my lips and nose. I took in a deep breath of her scent and my body warmed from the sensation of her smell, and I opened my eyes. Ben noticed me staring at Tessa.

"Hey Hannah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, looking at him.

His expression changed the moment I looked into his eyes.

"You've got this kind of glow to your eyes."

"What?" I replied, looking at the overhead mirror. The sight of my eyes with that golden hue was stunning. Was I changing again? If so, what am I changing into?

"It must be the light."

"You look different."

"How-How so?" I stuttered.

"For starters, your chest is bigger than it was a few days ago. Not to mention your ass is bigger and perkier, too. It's not from weight gain either, and you seem to be fitter than you were."

"Well, it must be from all this running around I've been doing."

"Maybe. But maybe it's not."

"Hey, I'm tired. Let's get some sleep. We haven't slept all night. I mean, at least a few hours before it's night again."

"Good idea, honey!"

Ben set the autopilot again, and we went back to the bedroom. I waited in bed for him while he took a quick shower. 'I can't imagine what Tessa went through. The way she was bound up was like she was being used as some kind of slave. Why did the beast just leave her? Did he know I was close or did he smell the creature that pursued me on my body?' I don't have the answers to these questions, but for all our sake, I need to find out. I snuggled under the cover. Tessa had lost the one person she loved in this world. We have to protect her! We're all going to make it out of here safely.

Ben exited the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He quickly changed into a dark gray t-shirt and blue boxers. Ben crawled beside me, putting his arms around me, hugging me from behind. It felt so good having Ben cuddle up to me and for the first time since getting lost in this forest; I had a feeling of safety. He didn't understand what was going on, but he did his best to do everything he could to make sure we were safe. I knew he would do the same for Tessa. She needed someone to protect her now, and Ben was a miracle for her. He would take care of her the way he took care of me, and he wouldn't let anything happen to her. When he saw us both naked in the forest, he didn't hesitate to take her in and accept her. 'She was with us now, and she was a part of us.' I frowned as Ben snuggled up to me. 'Why did I think she was a part of us? What did that mean? I found her, but what is the meaning of [she is with us?]'

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I had underlying feelings for Tessa. I thought about what we had done in the shower. That was my first time being with a girl. I know we didn't have sex or anything like that, but I never had that kind of desire. What she did to me and what I did to her. Her scent was incredible. The way she smelled drew me in, and I had to taste her. I needed to taste her, and I couldn't restrain myself anymore. There was a bond that existed between us that must have formed when I freed her. Since that moment, I haven't been able to keep her off my mind. Her scent keeps drawing me back to her.

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