Chapter 201: Kazimierz

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Sensing that the gaze had disappeared, Shiro cancelled his [Lord of the Mysteries], concealing his "true form" once more. To be exact, his [Supreme Magus] true form that came from the past.

Just to be sure, he used his past form to scare them even more. If he uses what he has right now... it won't achieve the same effect as it had now.

'They should be scared for a while.' He thought. "Everything got fucking ridiculous."

Shiro sighed as he thought of the problem right now. Turns out, Terra also suffers from the threat known as "Outer Gods". Moreover, it should be comparable to Romani's world.

Due to his ascension, he could now see new things. One of them is the [World Barrier], which can also be called as the [Fake Sky] of Terra. The former is something set up by the world itself, a protective mechanism, to shield itself from harmful external substances. Meanwhile, the latter is what Shiro called to the continuous corruption of the said "Foreigners".

To protect its denizens, the [World Barrier] changed everyone's perception about the sky; that everything looks normal... subjectively, that is.

There's a limit on the barrier's protection, hence some of Terra's atmosphere are already infiltrated by it. Due to the power's inherent nature, it basically has the effects of a [Divine Form].

With one look alone, a normal Terran would become crazy and be "corrupted" by the will of the Outer Gods. Their fundamental qualities that make up their "existence" will be forcibly altered, turning them into a will of the said foreigners.

Hence, the barrier shielded the common populace's perception about the sky.

Shiro fiddled with his [Dimensional Storage] for a while before taking out a lollipop wrapped in an orange wrapper. Taking it off, he then put it inside his mouth.

[Ordinary Candy (SS)]

Details: Confectionary made when a certain being is bored. Removes mental fatigue when taken.

A cool feeling appeared in his head as he wore the [Blindfold] again. He could already perfectly control its output, but it'll cause a slight fatigue, which is in contrast to just wearing something and be done with it.

"Hah... Let's just go to Kazimiers for now and deal with these later." He mumbled as he summoned forth [Motored Curassier] and rode it.




A country of knights. Here, the most noble profession is to be a [Knight] who would protect their country from foreign invaders. They symbolized bravery and valiance, at least until the modern era forced the country to change.

They don't have a strong economy such as Columbia, no strong military force such as Ursus, and their Feranmuts had withdrawn to the shadows. Furthermore, there was a special case of a knight retainer being filthy rich by investing his assets, pushing the other knight-retainers to do the same.

Due to this, the power balance switched from the aristocratic knights who defended their homeland to the rich people instead. With that, the former "Country of Knights" is now synonymous to a modern-economic country. A tournament, the Kazimierz Grand Major, was able established to generate more income during that time and have their own trademark.

There, "Knights" would fight each other in varying formats until a sole winner is crowned as "The Grand Knight".

In the end, the "noble" and "valiant" knights were reduced into a money-making machine...

Cardinal looked at the bustling sight of their capital city, Kawalerielki; being on the 20th floor had only enhanced this sight.

"It's different here."

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