Chapter 248: Madokami

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Yuuya. Kanoya. Selesia.

The creations are currently fighting their battles. Each of them is very preoccupied with it that they could not intervene in others' fights. That includes the monsters that the magical girl group is currently facing.



Cartoonish attacks intertwined with extremely realistic ones are rained upon the two girls. They responded with their counterattack, barely maintaining everything into a stalemate.

Swathes of black fog enveloped a great portion of Ginza. If not for the birdcage having an infinite amount of space, an entire city would've been buried alive from Akumarin's and Walpurgisnacht's attacks. The former is responsible for letting out 'curses' born from the dark emotions of humanity while the latter utilizes its reality-bending power to create its regular attack pattern.

Sou-! Sou-!

Pink arrows of light hailed down on the evil fairy. It was Madoka who attacked her as they have considered checking their weaknesses.

"Magical Splash Flare!"

Using more than half of its capability, a compressed pink sphere turned into a heart before descending into the disaster witch.


The attack had visibly destroyed a portion of Walpurgisnacht's shield, eliciting a scream from it.

"Haha! Haha! Haha!"

"Magical attack still works... This is good." Madoka murmured. "I can do this..!"

She recalled how the battle ended in her world. Shiro's [Final Blazer] thoroughly obliterated all of their enemies that numbered beyond trillions. Walpurgisnacht was also included in that attack, effectively killing it. From her analysis, it is something that worked on the concept itself rather than the current state of the target.

Confirming that it is the same as the previous one, Madoka decided to enact her current plan.

"Mamika-chan, can you keep her busy for a while?"

"Ah? Yes!"

Hearing that, she didn't hesitate any longer.

"I... will save this world."

In an instant, the entire world is dyed pink.


When making the revisions, Shiro chose the most suitable one for Madoka—that is, a way to possess the strongest power that she could. Before splitting her into two, Madoka attained the ranks of a Beyond-creator class. It is the same rank that Shiro was in, one that enabled him to manipulate reality however he wants.

In Madoka's case, he granted her the ability to enter a 'Madokami' state. By traversing back through time and causality, she would be given access to that power. Its output depends on what the current her could handle, but it is more than enough to deal with Walpurgisnacht.

"She used it. Walpurgisnacht... I did imagine her summoning it. Still, this might throw everything off-balance."

Shiro went through their plans all over again. The most optimal one didn't have any obstacles like Walpurgisnacht or Akumarin, both of whom are the final bosses in their worlds.

Shiro: "It's a bit earlier, but we'll start intercepting now. I'll send out my clone first. Shinji-kun and Touka are on standby for now."

Shinji: "(Thumbs up)!!!"

Touka: "So we watch."

Shiro: "Sorry. We are the ones hidden to go against Altair in a surprise attack, but it seems that they couldn't handle it longer."

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