Chapter 226: A Liar

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"Huff... I'm beaten by a kid in terms of stamina..!"

"She's a magical girl, Norio-kun."

"I know. But her enthusiasm..."

"Oh! I'm also in a cup men!"

Norio looked at Mamika who pointed towards the convenience store. There, a variety of her goods can be seen. Instant meals, juice, cup ramen... Her popularity with the kids is too high, leading to many companies using her face as a form of advertisement.

"Can I buy those, Norio-san?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes."

Fortunately for him, his wallet is stacked enough to take care of a "little sister". While its thickness does not compare to Shiro's, it is enough to live comfortably in this world.



"Do you want to buy something?"

"Ah... No. I don't have anything in mind."



Seeing her nod with a smile, Shiro decided to gift her something surprising later. When the pair entered the convenience store, he was left alone with Madoka.

After meeting her a year later, he saw how huge she had grown. Just like Sayaka and Mami, she found her path. She experienced many tribulations as her ideals were continuously challenged. Even so, she did not give up. At least, this is how Shiro saw the now-mature girl beside him.

'She's matured a lot. She still has a hint of childishness with her, but she grew up enough to perfectly point out Mamika's flaws.'

For this student of his, he is naturally glad that she matured. Though, he also lamented that such a girl could not enjoy her youth. In the end, inevitably, she would not be like her other normal peers. The world that she lived in is an abnormal one. If she lived in a normal world where the main focus is slice-of-life, everything would have been different.

"What do you think about your world?" He asked.

"My world? It is not perfect, but I think it is beautiful."


"Yes! There are a lot of beautiful things in my world. Sights, people... There are a lot of beautiful things to fight for. Oh right, sensei!"

"What is it?"

"You have a cult there!"


Shiro could not help but make a dumbfounded look. After all, he is just a passerby of that world. He did not expect to be remembered by anyone outside his acquaintances, much less be worshipped by some kind of cult!

"They're an unknown cult worshipping a "goddess". That goddess should be your twin-tailed form!"

"I see..."

He could not help but facepalm at the prospect of being hailed as such by some magical girls...



"Hey, Miss! You still haven't paid yet!"

Upon hearing the words of the shop owner, an old man in his mid-50s, the pale and lanky girl stopped humming. Her thin snake-like eyes narrowed down before returning to normal.

"Eh~? But this is my book!"

"Girl, shoplifting is a crime!"

Not satisfied with how the shop owner doubted her words, she provokingly said:

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