Chapter 213: This is Not Overkill!

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This is fun.

Correction, this is SO MUCH fun. Admittedly, fooling around back in the day was one of my hobbies. If I feel it, I would make someone a god in a snap and see how they react to it. Of course, the ones that I chose are those deemed worthy of it.

'I see why Zelretch did this once in a while.'

I mean, it can't be helped that my current skill set is enough to play around with my enemies and kill them in a second!

I'm not talking about my physical or conceptual attacks, but the new authority that I have: [Lord of the Mysteries]. From the information that I acquired, it is the authority of a Pillar, one of the top guns, in a certain universe. That world has the power system of the so-called "Beyonders", the mortals who consume a mystic object to ascend to a higher level.

Interestingly, their battles from the beginning placed more importance on "authorities" rather than mana, aura, physique, and the like. Starting from the lowest Beyonder Level, they would receive their abilities which is a watered-down version of authority. As they go into the upper ranks, their authority would become more complete until they ascend as a 'true god'.

As for [Lord of the Mysteries], it contained far-fetching abilities that "space-time control" seems like a kid to it. One such ability came from the [Error Pathway]. Simply put, it allows me to 'steal' nearly anything and 'expand' an error of 'something'.

'Oh, she has that flaw.' He thought. 'Out of your shell, I guess.'


Atop the Emcee's room, I watched the foreigner as her flesh started changing into its true form. The fair white skin that everyone would admire slowly turned into pieces of black goo. Dots of white light surrounded the goo, which is the "eyes" of it.

Such a boring sight. My mind is already numb to these sights, something that I blame on my plethora of memories about it. I yawned before a thought flashed inside my mind.

'Let's speed up time.'


In my sight, the intangible time turned into something that can be freely manipulated. Making time for her faster, the foreigner fully turned into a puddle of goo in an instant. The poor guy... or girl did not even notice that his transformation was done. Her thoughts that I am continuously stealing passed through me, letting me know that she has a "backup plan" of sorts.

Using that as a breakthrough, I immediately began decrypting everything inside my mind.

'Authorities? No.'

'Vessels? It shouldn't be that Wait a minute.'

'An escape plan... I see.'

In a tiny fraction of a millisecond, I figured out everything. To that, I could only laugh at her futile attempts. After all, what was once caught in my hands would no longer have a chance of escaping. More so when she descended to harm the people I love.

'It begins.'

[Blind Stupidity].

The moment I used it on her, I could see her thoughts becoming extremely slow instantly. Most parts of it receded into her mind, prevented from being acted upon, forever. Up next is fooling fate itself. This is the tricky part, though everything else would be as easy as an apple pie after its completion.

'You don't have any fate of being killed right now, I see. Oh well, you shall have one today.'


A vague change started to happen in her. Her fate was "rewritten", showing that she will die today. Although, the causes behind her death are not clear. After all, I am 'just' fooling the fate of an extraterrestrial god from another world. To cross the barriers between worlds, they have to be an <Ancient> at the very least.

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