Chapter 235: Barraging Active Skills

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Endless strength.

That is the aptest description that they could give to the armed lady who kept launching mana blasts every five seconds. The rate at which she recovers mana outdoes her output, making her an infinite mana cannon that can easily level an entire city. While she is in a world with a will similar to Alaya and Gaia, all "it" does is eject her whenever she crosses a threshold. However, everything became different a few days ago.

The restrictions became loose as the "restorative forces" were damaged from that fight. Add to that the fact that it is Shiro's world, it became a world that does not restrict her whatsoever. Shiro, who is watching this fight from the outside, is feeling quite indignant.

'When will she come..?'

At this moment, he is vigilant for Altair's arrival. He sensed her trace when Excalibur's seals were partially released. He was shocked that it did not work based on the conditions that he knew before. Rather, it was simply unlocked with no warnings whatsoever. It was brute-forced through Altair's power.

'Her power... Is its omnipotence? Or is it something that is already beyond that? Fuck.'

For the first time, Shiro felt suppression by their enemy. This wasn't the same as that over-leveled enemy like the Incubators last time. It stems from the fact that this is the first time that he's facing a possible <Beyond Creator> enemy. Even at his peak, these are not common. One of those times was when he fought against an Outer God who threatened the safety of his world. He handled this fight well, but it is during his peak period.

'I need to find out what's wrong with this world.'

In the end, he decided to put most of his energy towards the anomaly of this world. Seeing formidable characters in a single world isn't something that he expected to see after accepting this mission, but it shows the need to learn more about their enemies.

'No wonder we were warned that this mission will pose great danger.'

While he focused on maintaining his realm while not being caught by others, the battle inside ensued.



Mirror Tokyo's current state can be said to be pathetic. It is entirely leveled by dozens of mana blasts that came from Salter's Excalibur. Kuroneko's shadows kept decreasing while Kal'tsit and Mon3tr is becoming worn out. Turns out, releasing four seals has an effect that far surpassed their expectations. Overall, it increased Salter's combat power by a few dozen times. Her sword, Excalibur, is a Holy Sword that focuses on enhancing mana. It is all about the compression of mana. Meanwhile, she has Avalon to keep her safe. Thus, the stalemate.

"This fallen knight..! She's formidable!"

Kuroneko utilized her [Ruler's Authority] to manipulate Salter's surroundings before pushing her down with it. As it does not use mana, it bypasses [Magic Resistance]. It is not a form of magic nor something that uses mana. It is more of an "authority", just like its name.

Instantly, she opened a portal towards her shadow and appeared behind Salter.

[Dagger Rush]-!



<<Rapid Bite>>-!

<<Swift Stab>>-!

<<Concentrated Attack>>-!


She activated more than a dozen of skills, both from her inheritance and Aincrad, and used them all on Salter. The sheer power that they had distorted the space around her daggers.

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