Chapter 204: Hanging Out

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"There are so many people."

Shiro looked at the sea of crowds in the streets. Many stalls are present beside it, with different kinds of ancient races present. Supposedly, only Kurantas are present in this capital city, but this week is a special one for Kazimierz.

"The majors will be held this week." Cardinal said before adjusting her librarian hat. "There are many opportunities present at this time, so these guys swarmed here like flies. Just like what the government wanted to."

The majors are not only a simple knight tournament. Aside from betting, many talents would also be discovered. These talents are the target of headhunters—companies, enterprises, mercenary groups, and so on. With this and the 'uniqueness' of the event, Kazimierz transformed the 'Majors' into their trademark, one that boosts their country's economy and development.

"Right. About those 'strange creatures... How long are they targeting you?" Shiro asked.

"Those things... I've heard from Doctor Kal'tsit that they're [Demons]." She paused before continuing, "The first time I encountered them is when I went to Sargon to open our branch there."

"Sargon? Are they all on fire?"

"Mn. I recalled what you've said about 'Foehn Hotlands' when I saw them."

In Sargon's history, it was detailed that the Kahagans once fought incomprehensible 'Monsters' in that place. They could quickly contaminate their surroundings with black smog; it spread swiftly and uncontrolled. What's more, the ones taken over by it soon become a 'Monster', too.

Though they have another peculiarity—they become stronger as more people know them. Hence, the leading Khaganate at that time decisively brought their full power to force those monsters to retreat.

"They are outer gods. The one in the myths." He said. "I saw one staring right at this planet, beyond the starry skies of Terra."

"Outer gods..."

They continued talking within their soundproof barrier until they arrived in front of a cafe. Upon entering it, they saw many people present. Fortunately, Shiro saw an empty seat in this place, thus he pulled Cardinal into this shop.

"Take that seat over there." Shiro pointed out. "I'll go buy something. What do you like?"

"Anything... I want a coffee, though."

"Alright... You became a caffeine addict, I see."

Cardinal froze slightly as she heard this. She realized that she instinctively unleashed her habit, which is to drink a cup of coffee every morning, afternoon, and midnight.

After discovering that coffee's taste, her all-time favorite, tea, was replaced by it.

Recovering from it, she soon arrived at the empty table. It is a seat for two right beside the window.

'It's that spot...' She thought. 'The perfect dating spot..?'

As someone who consumed thousands of anime-related materials, she is very familiar with otaku knowledge. In fact, she had surpassed everyone in the chat group when it comes to ACG. While she doesn't know everything, she's the one who answers the new members' origins the most.

(A/N: Animation, Comics, and Games.)

It even earned her the title "ACG Emperor" internally. As to whether someone calls her using that... they'll have to face her wrath first.

After sitting, her eyes were drawn to the prosperous scene outside. People from various races are conversing happily while some children as holding the figurines of their favorite knights and made them fight each other.

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