Chapter 240: Close Call

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An anime character could be very distinct if compared to the real world. They possess too many differences that they would immediately stand out in a crowd of normal people.


"Don't cry..."

Shiro saw a kid and a pink-haired girl in a park. The latter seems to have been cosplaying since she's currently wearing a unique school uniform. That, and her colored hair and pupils.


He noticed some distinct points in her. For once, the girl's accent is different from any region in Japan. Its pitch accent is quite 'exaggerated' and its tone is higher than normal. Kind of like how she's always cheerful.

"Alright! I'll help you find your mother!"


'Another one.'


When fictional worlds can materialize into the real world, it isn't inevitable that some weird instances could happen. For example, seeing an eroge game character is one. Fate/Zero was made to be a light novel first before an anime, hence the reason why they are speechless right now.


The pink-haired girl from before kept blushing as she covered her face with her hands. She could not live with the thought of her intimate acts with her beloved being well-known by strangers. Even, it is used as a 'material'.

"Poor girl."

"Sensei, what world did she come from?"

Kuroneko and Madoka stood beside Shiro as they looked at the embarrassed girl who could not even have direct eye contact with them. Most of the males here are also reacting in strange ways, but they are uniformly embarrassed. If they had not "used" it, they had at least read through her story.

Shiro patted Madoka's head and said, "A strange world."

"Heh. Strange, it is."

"As if you did not see them before." He replied.

Shrugging, she said smugly, "Maybe."

"Anyways, the atmosphere sure is strange."

When he regained his memories, which included his "experiences" with his wives. He is not similar to the single virgins that are in this room, hence why he could not relate with them.

"Will she join us in 'Elimination Chamber Fest'?" Kuroneko asked.

"Most definitely. Even if she is a 'normal' character, 'revisions' could work on her."

Elimination Chamber Fest. The official name for the operation in which they would face was Altair. It involves the usage of a semi-fictional world dubbed "Birdcage" and the 'acceptance' of the audience. The general gist of it is that they would make the audience think that "Altair" is a character to be defeated. With that, her previously 'overpowered' character setting would be nullified, hence eliminating her and saving the world.

(A/N: The term semi-fictional applies to a world between the gaps of fiction and reality—the fictitious world and real world. The ham in the sandwich, if you may.)

Shiro: "Honestly, I am thankful that our allies are this competent."

Seeing his message in the chat group, Kuroneko replied:

Kuroneko: "I concur."



A huge humanoid mech is gradually patrolling the airspace of Tokyo. This is a form of reconnaissance that Kanoya is very familiar with. When the enemy strikes, he would report the situation to the others. After all, they could not have any troubles when it's only a few days away from Elimination Chamber Fest. The staff has been doing all the preparations for the first ACG event to be sponsored by the government.

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