Chapter 3

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Emma walked into the dress shop. 

"Good mornin' Miss. How may I be of assistance?" The shopkeeper asked. 

"Oh, I think I will just have a quick look around, is all." Emma said, clutching her handbag. 

"Looking for anythin' in particular?" He asked, walking up to her. He seemed to be a couple years Emma's senior. 

"Not really. I have plenty of nice dresses, I'm just looking for a little change." Emma ran her fingers over the fabrics of the dresses as she passed. 

"I heard you was hostin' a ball, you's need a new dress?" He asked, his middle class accent strong. 

"Maybe, I have not gone through and picked out a nice dress for tonight. My lady's maid might have picked something out for my father's liking though." Emma picked up the lace of a familiar dress. "Where did you get this?" She asked. 

"Miss Fay brought it in a fortnight ago." The shopkeeper explained. 

"This looks just like the dress design in my mother's newest book." Emma said quietly. 

"Whose yer mum, Miss?" 

"Lady Barns." Emma said, feeling the silk of the dress. 

"Lady Barns is yer mum?" The shopkeeper said, jaw agape. 

Emma nodded. "Where does this Miss Fay live?" She asked, walking over to the shopkeeper. 

"She is the local tailor, Miss Barns." The shopkeeper put his hands in his pocket. "She lives just right outside of town, Miss." 

Emma smiled. "Thank you, sir." She looked back at the dress. "And I would like to buy that dress as well." 

The shopkeeper smiled. "Of course Miss. And I will give you another, for free." 

"Why thank you!" Emma danced inside herself happily. 

"Anytime, Miss." 


"Emma, are you ready?" Father asked outside Emma's door. 

"Yes, Father." Emma opened her sitting room door, and walked out. She was in a large, light purple gown, with white lace around every edge of fabric. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun atop her head. 

“Beautiful, Princess. Give me a spin!” Father smiled. 

Emma spun in a circle and her dress flowed around her. 

“Beautiful, Princess. Absolutely beautiful. Where did you get such a dress?” Father asked. 

“The dress shop down the street.” Emma explained. “The local tailor made it. She used the design from Mother’s newest book to make it.” Emma smiled. “Could we call on her some day? She lives just outside town.” Emma was super hopeful. 

Father shook his head. “Have you forgotten? Remember what will happen if you leave town?” Father asked. 

“Right.” Emma looked down at the floor to hide her disappointment. 

“I could ask if she will call on us, Princess, if that would make you feel better.” Father said, lifting her chin. 

Emma nodded. “I would like that very much.” She smiled. 

“Now, let’s get down to the ballroom. Our guest will be arriving soon.” Father smiled, then held out his arm for Emma. 

Emma gracefully accepted it, and Father led her down the stairs. They entered the ballroom, where Mrs. Max, the housekeeper,  was setting up the finishing touches. 

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