Chapter 8

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The sun started to set and the realization that we were really doing this kicked in. 

“It is starting to get dark. We should stop and set up camp before it gets too dark to see.”

“J-Just a couple more minutes.” Emma said.

“If we don’t stop now then it might be too dark to collect wood and set up camp.”

Emma had a look of pondering on her face.”

“Come on Kayson, Just one minute won’t hurt?” Xander said

“No, Mr Wood’s right. We should stop.”

We stopped our horses and started to look for a flat area. When we found one we got off and stretched. Horses were not the most comfortable method of transportation. I looked at Emma. She had not gotten off her horse yet. I waited to see what was wrong. She was just staring at the ground. I began to step forward when Xander got there first. He helped her down and continued to have his arm around her waist. I turned away and started walking.

“Mr. Wood? Where are you going.” Emma asked 

I stopped “To go get some wood” I lied.

“All right, but don’t be too long.”

 I nodded and continued to walk. I tried to breathe normally but Xander's arm around Emma's waist was making it harder. I finally stopped when I thought I was far enough. I closed my eyes and listened. I listened to the soft wind in the air. I listened to the trees as they softly moved back and forth. A sudden snapping noise caused me to open up my eyes. I suddenly started to look for wood so it would look like I was getting wood. I started to pick the wood and waited for someone to speak. But nobody did. I started to turn behind me when something moved. I froze. Please don't let it be a scary animal here to attack me. I continued to stay frozen. I heard it move out of the bushes. Cold air went down my neck, the thing was behind me. I tried to turn but I was frozen in place. A cold hand hovered over my arm. Ready to grab hold. My head began to hurt. Xander's voice was suddenly heard from a distance. The air around began to warm up again. I realized I had been holding my breath. I gasped for air. My legs collapsed and I dropped to the ground.


Xander rushed to my side.

“I-I'm fine, I just tripped.”

I got up and picked up the sticks. My legs were so shaky I worried that I would fall again. 

“Are you sure you're ok? You look pale.” 

I nodded, not wanting to talk. Xander still looked at me as if I was going to pass out. I smiled to reassure him but it hurt. Everything hurt. We walked back to the camp and I went to sit on the log Xander must have gotten. Emma suddenly sat down next to me and twisted my face so I would look at her. 

“You look pale! You're cold too.”

She quickly rushed to the horses to go grab a blanket. I then realized that I was, in fact, cold. What was that thing that made me feel this way? Emma wrapped the blanket around my shoulder and started to rub my back. Xander must have started a fire because my legs began to feel warm. My shoulders relaxed as I sighed from the warmth.

“That feels good.”

Xander looked at Emma and Emma wouldn't stop looking at me. Both looked like parents with a sick child. With me being the child. I quickly stood up and thanked Emma and went to the horses. I needed water anyway. I opened up the pocket of the bag, pulled out the canteen and drank some water. I walked back to camp to see Xander sitting next to Emma, a blanket over their shoulders. I decided that it would be nice to go back and grab some food too. I pulled out some bread, beans and corn from the bag that held our food, three plates, and spoons from another bag, and a pan to cook with, and walked back to camp. 

“Finally! dinner!” Xander said standing. 

He walked over to me and grabbed the bread and plates. I put the beans and corn in the pan and placed it on the fire.

“I-Is that all?” Emma asked.

I looked at her, a hint of disgust was on her face. I smiled.

“Well, this is what Xander and I always had. Plus it’s easy to pack.”

I could tell Emma was trying to smile politely. She would get used to it. We all did eventually.

“Just bread, corn and beans?” she asked. 

“Well, what else were we supposed to pack?” Xander asked. “It’s not that bad, Emma.” he walked over to her and handed her a piece of bread. 

“Thanks.” she took it, but hesitantly. 

Xander sat next to her and started nibbling on his piece of bread. “Kayson is cooking the beans and corn. They taste better together.” he explained. 

“Do you usually add any herbs to it?” Emma asked me. 

“Usually, but seeing as Xander forgot to pack them, we’re just going to have plain corn and beans.” I explained. I stirred the mixture of corn, water, and beans. 

“Do you have anything to put the corn and beans in? Did you bring any bowls?” Emma asked. 

I stared at the pan, realizing we only brought spoons and plates. “We have plates.” I laughed nervously as I looked at her. 

Emma placed her palm on her forehead. “This is why you tell other people what you're packing so anyone else can pack what you forgot.” She shook her head. 

“What's the fun in that?” Xander teased. He playfully nudged Emma. 

She playfully swatted him away, and looked back at me. “Is it almost done?” she asked. 

I nodded. Her pale green eyes were sparkling from the flickering fire. I looked back down at the pan, not wanting to seem like I was staring. I stirred it once more, making sure it was fully cooked. I grabbed a plate and scooped some of the corn and beans onto it. I crossed over to Emma and gave it to her. “Here. It will be good, I promise.” 

She smiled, and took the plate. “And I have your word on it?” she asked teasingly. 

“Absolutely.” I served up some more and gave that plate to Xander. 

“Thanks, friend.” Xander took it and started blowing on his food. 

I then served some for myself. I sat down on the log opposite of Emma and Xander and started eating. 

“Wow, the stars are so beautiful out here.” Emma said, gazing up at the sky. 

“Yeah, you can definitely see more here than you can in town with all the lamps.” Xander placed his hand on Emma’s shoulder, pulling her closer to him. 

I looked up at the sky, and saw that it was splattered with stars, twinkling with as much light as they wanted. “It is beautiful isn't it?” 

Xander and Emma both agreed. 

We sat there in silence as we finished our food, gazing up at the stars, and enjoying the peace and quiet of the nature around us. How could things be so bad in the forest when all you can feel is at peace? 

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