Chapter 20

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What was wrong with him! I stomped back to the house and opened the door. It was empty. What the? All the furniture was gone. I walked into the kitchen. Everything was gone. I turned back and the house was gone. “Xander?” I walked back to the woods to go find Emma. But she wasn't there. A cold fog flooded caused me to shiver and turn. The old lady was standing in the middle of it all. I walked up to her hesitantly. 

“D-Do you know where…wait” I gasped. There was Emma. On the ground motionless. “Emma!” I started to walk forward but stopped when seeing Xander in the same condition on the other side of her. “W-What are you doing with them?” The old lady slowly smiled. 

“You're looking a little pale.” Her voice bagan to change. Specifically like the monster’s. She started to darken and grow. She was the monster. The monster turned and grabbed Xander and Emma. “You must choose. Between me taking her to where she will stay forever, or me taking him.” 


“Here let’s make this faster.” The monster gripped his hands causing Xander and Emma to scream. “Better hurry or else I’ll choose.”

I could think. Their screams were the only thing I could think about.


“Time's up! Guess I'll choose.” The fog thickened causing me to cough. My throat began to become dry due to the cold. I knelt to the ground. My throat hurt. My eyes started to water from the pain. My vision began to blur. Not again. I had to save my friends. My vision began to blacken. I had to save my friends.

I awoke to somebody shaking me. Xander. I shot up and looked around for the monster.

“Kayson, what happened? “

I tried to speak but my throat still hurt. I managed to whisper.

“Monster.” My sore throat made me cough. Xander seemed to pale. Then I suddenly remembered what the monster said. I slowly stood up and looked for Emma. If Xander was here that could mean. There! I saw Emma, still laying on the ground. I stumbled over to her shaking her shoulder. 

“Emma.” I tried to say. “Emma.” My voice became raw. Emma's eyes fluttered open, and I sighed with relief.  I heard shuffling behind me. I guess he’s still upset with Emma. I helped Emma to sit up. 

“What happened?” she asked. 

I tried to speak again, but I feared if I spoke some more then I would not be able to speak anymore. I tried to describe that I couldn't speak but Xander spoke for me.

“Kayson cant speak.” 

Emma looked somewhere else besides Xander. I sighed. And stood up. I walked over to our bags and  grabbed them, then looked back at Emma and Xander. Who were facing the other direction of each other. Why were they acting like such children? I walked over and slapped Xanders shoulder.


I gestured to Emma.

“I currently don't want to talk to her at the moment.” Xander snapped, he looked away from me. 

I sighed again and walked over to Emma. I gently touched her arm. She turned to look at me. I gestured to Xander. Emma gave me the cold shoulder too. 

“He should apologize first! He told me to leave.” 

Xander whipped around. “You lost your temper!”

“Because you were yelling at me!” Emma shot back.

My hands clenched into fists. I took a deep breath, I didn't care how much this would hurt.  

“Stop! You two are acting like ch-” my words ended in a coughing fit, which made Emma try to speak up, but I wasn't finished. “ You're acting like children! You, Xander, need to consider that we need to focus on one thing at a time so you don’t stress anybody out. You, Emma, need to consider that Xander might be hurting. Now-” I coughed some more and began gasping for air as I felt my throat swell. “I'm going to stop talking now, but that does not mean you two get to do that again!” I rubbed my eyes that watered up from the pain. My voice was now gone, thanks to their child-like fight. I folded my arms and glared at Emma and Xander who were looking at the ground. Xander looked up shyly.

“Emma… I-Im sorry.”

Emma looked up but took a little longer to respond.

“I'm sorry.” She turned away which affected Xander. 

  I sighed, which I felt was becoming a habit, and started walking in any direction away from them.

“Hey where are you going?” Xander shouted

I kept walking. 

“Seriously!” Xander said, running up to me.

Emma ran up to my other side. All I could do was be quiet and hope they wouldn't kill each other.

The Crowns CurseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora