Chapter 23

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Emma looked up through the trees at the night sky. The stars shimmered as the rain slowed. Xander and Kayson were already asleep, and Emma had suggested she stay up to keep watch. Shuffling sounded to her left, and she looked in that direction. Kayson hasn't moved. What was that?  She carefully moved Xander's head off her shoulder and stood up, looking around for what made the noise. "Hello?" She asked quietly. "Are you a little critter looking for food?" She was hoping it was nothing to be afraid of, but that likely wasn't the case. The creature was still out there, and it was still hunting her down, wanting to take her back to town. 

"Emma…" a low, wispy voice sounded in her ears. 

"Who's there?" She asked quietly, not wanting to wake Kayson and Xander. 

"You need to go back home…" 

"No, I need to find the queen's crown and be free of this curse!" Emma looked around for whoever was talking. 

"It's not as simple as you think, I killed my last host. She didn't listen to me, so she got what she deserved." 

Fear crawled up inside her. “What did you do to the kingdom?” 

“It was destroyed.” and with that, the creature disappeared. 

Pure terror flowed through her. I need to find this crown quickly!  She turned around and saw the creature again, standing next to Xander. “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice shaking. 

The creature didn’t respond. It just twitched, then flew at her. Darkness enveloped her. 

Emma opened her eyes, and found she was laying on the couch in her father’s book room. 

“Where is she? Where is my daughter?” Father sounded frantic. He stepped into the book room and started to pace. 

“Father?” Emma asked, sitting up.

“Find my daughter. She has to be around here somewhere.” Father paced faster. 

“My lord, she hasn't been home in days. How are we supposed to find her when we don't know where she is?” Emma’s abigail asked. 

“Where was my Emma last?”  Father asked, still pacing. 

“I was last talking to her in her room the first day she went missing.” the abigail said. 

“Father? I’m right here.” Emma stood up and walked over to her Father. 

“She has to be around town somewhere. Someone must have her. Tell the stable hands to question everyone. I must find my daughter.” Father sighed and sat down at his desk. “I miss her very much, Kristine. I hope someone has seen my beloved Princess somewhere.” 

“Father! It’s me! Your Princess!” Emma could feel her eyes start to sting. 

“He can't hear you.” 

Emma jumped at the voice. “What are you doing here?!” she looked the creature up and down. 

“You are my host. I have a job to do.” the creature disappeared into the floor. 

Was the creature going to hurt Father? Emma walked over to her father, hoping to somehow tell him she was safe. 

“If Emma left town, we would all be in danger.” Father said quietly . 

Kristine looked at him in confusion and fear. “What do you mean?” her voice quivered a little. 

Emma remembered what the creature had said. ‘It was destroyed.’ the creature destroyed the queen’s home because she didn't listen to the creature. Father knew the dangers of Emma leaving town, and she didn't listen to him. “This is all my fault.” tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry Father, I’ve destroyed our home because I was selfish and went to free myself from the curse.” 

Suddenly, Father’s gaze snapped towards her, 

Emma jumped a little. “Father?” 

“I am disappointed in you, Emma. you didn't listen to me, and you have put everyone in danger. Is this all about that stupid crown?” Father tsked, and shook his head. “You need to stop reading children's stories, and grow up.” Father stood, and left the room. 

Emma awoke in a cold sweat. 

“Emma?” Kayson’s voice sounded behind her. 

She snapped around, and saw him starting a fire. “Kayson.” she took a deep breath. 

“Are you alright? You fell asleep last night away from the tree, and you were thrashing around and mumbling to yourself.” Kayson threw another log onto the fire. 

“Yeah, I’m fine.” she tried to slow her heavy breathing. She stood up and looked around. “Where’s Xander?” 

“He went to go look for food. When we first encountered the monster, I rushed back to the camp to grab something to save you and saw little animals eating out of our bags. All we had left was a little bit of bread.” he explained, throwing another log into the fire. 

“Oh.” Emma walked over to the fire. She was feeling kind of chilly, and was still frightened by her dream. 

“Are you sure you’re ok? You seem lost in your thoughts.” Kayson walked over to her, and placed his hand on her arm. 

“I- I had another nightmare, this time it was about my father.” she tried not to shiver. Her gaze drifted to the fire. Father, at first, had been super worried about Emma, then he had become super dismissive of her. 

“Is that it? Or is there something else bothering you?” Kayson turned her head to look at him. 

Emma turned away. “Before I fell asleep, if I even did, the monster was standing over Xander. I asked him what it’s intention was with Xander, but it just stayed silent.” 

Kayson’s hand tensed on her arm. 

She looked at him. “What? Do you know something I don't?” 

Kayson shook his head, then went back to watching the fire, placing more logs in it when it started to die down. 

Emma grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around her shoulders, and watched Kayson with suspicion. Was Kayson hiding something?

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