Chapter 14

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We watched as Emma fell while the monster sank into the ground. We ran as fast as we could to catch her.  I got there first, caught Emma, and slowly set her down. She was cold to the touch and her eyes were closed. Xander knelt down and took her hand.

“Emma.” Xander said, voice shaking.


“Emma…” Xander said again, this time shaking her shoulder.


“Emma!” Xander started shouting.

Xander put her hand to his lips as tears went down his face. I closed my eyes. I couldn't bear it. A sudden cough caused us both to gasp for air. Emma slowly opened her eyes a little bit. Her lip was shivering.

“C-Cold, im… so c-cold” Emma whispered.

Xander looked at me.

“Go start a fire.” Xander looked so worried. I felt too worried.

I ran to find some wood. Then I realized I needed the stuff from back at camp. I ran back to camp as fast as I could. My legs were beginning to get sore but Emma needed my help. I reached camp and stopped. There were lots of animals. Stealing every last piece of our food. I quickly rushed over to our bags and shooed all the animals away. The animals left and I checked the bags. Gone. Next bag. Gone. Next bag. Some pieces of bread but they won't last us the journey. I sighed in frustration. I grabbed all the bags and ran back to Emma. I tried not to think about the food problem. I need to focus on now. I reached Emma and Xander and set the bags down pulling out all of our blankets. Xander helped me wrap Emma up. Emma looked so stiff and still cold. I ran to get some wood and set them down and struggled to light a fire. Why were my hands so shaky!? I finally got a fire burning. I sighed and laid down. Everything hurt and was sore. Emma sighed which caused me to close my eyes in relief.

“That feels good,” Emma said softly. 

She went quiet and Xander shuffled. I looked over to see him sitting against a tree, Emma asleep on his shoulder. Xander was looking at me. 

“You still owe me that explanation.” Xander asked quietly

I sighed.

“When we arrived at our first resting spot, I heard something. I thought it was one of you guys so…I kept grabbing wood. But then it got cold. Something was there, ready to grab me. Then you came and that thing left.” I said then waited for a response.

“That's why you fell… That's why you were suddenly cold.” Xander said while rubbing Emma's shoulder.

I nodded, then continued.

“And I already told you what happened with the horses.” I suddenly remembered about the food. I groaned and rubbed my face.

“What’s wrong? More bad news I presume?” Xander said with a hint of teasing.

“When I went back to camp there were animals, and they took all of our food.” I closed my eyes waiting for Xander to flip out or something, but Xander just sat there in silence.

“Then we can get some more.” Xander said. I sat up on one elbow.

“Where would we find more food?”

Xander pointed with his free hand.“I saw smoke that way.” Xander replied

“When? Better question; what kind of smoke? Like fire smoke?”

“I saw it while we were running to get Emma back. Yes, it was a fire, but it was from a house.”

I sat up in a sitting position.“How do you know it was from a house?”

Xander shrugged. Which caused Emma to stir. We sat in silence till Emma went back to sleep, then Xander continued.

“When I was little I got lost one day,” 

I rolled my eyes. Of course he did. 

“I had seen some new sweets and I really wanted one. But that meant I had to walk away from my mother. She left and I didnt even realize I left. I didn't get the candy that day and also got lost. I looked around and started walking. Looking and kept walking till I was someplace unfamiliar. Then I realized I was looking for the wrong thing. I looked for the chimneys. I looked at each one and found my house's chimney. I knew it was a house's chimney because when there's a forest fire it's more spread out. But with it is a chimney, it’s super thick and small. And my chimney was medium sized, so I found a medium sized string of smoke from my house.” Xander was smiling by the end. We sat there in silence.

“You singled out your house…even though most chimneys are the same?” I asked.

Xander hesitated.

“That’s what I thought.” I said smiling.

“I can still tell it’s a chimney!” Xander snapped.

Emma sturred, mumbled a couple things then went back to sleep again.

We both look at Emma. 

“Why did that monster want to take her back to town?” Xander asked more quietly.

I decided to look at the fire as I thought.

“I don't know. But I think it has to do with the crown.” I looked at Xander, who had heavy eyes.

“Why-” He yawned “It that…”. He slowly closed his eyes and laid his head on Emma’s.

“I'll stand watch.” I replied.

Xander mumbled something then was snoring. The thought of the crown being connected to that demon caused me to have chills. But what scared me was the fact that Emma was related to it somehow. 

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