chapter 19

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Emma looked out at the quiet scenery in front of them. Kayson had gone inside, to have his cut cleaned again, and it was just her and Xander outside. 

“Well. It has been quite a while since it's just been you and I.” He said. 

“Yeah, it has.” 

“you know, I was thinking,” Xander shuffled. 

“What?” Emma looked at him as she leaned against one of the support beams. 

“Maybe we can court when we get back, or even get married,” he suggested.

“What?!” Emma stood up straight. 

“Hear me out,” he held up his hands. “It might be awhile till we get back and you are just- just the woman I want to be with.”

“Xander, I think you are taking this too far, too fast.” Emma turned to walk back inside, but Xander put his hand on her shoulder, causing her to stop.  

“Well maybe I am.” he seemed to become uncomfortable. “But please think about it? Promise?” 

“Xander I-”


“There are other things more important at the moment.” Emma tried to change the subject. 

“Like what?! You and Kayson?” that seemed a little pointed. “Don’t think I don’t notice that he’s always there for you. I'm here Emma. “

“I just- It’s not like that!” 

“Sure, it’s not. I tried to be happy for you Emma… and I feel like you're pushing me away.” anger and pain flashed in his eyes. 

“No- Xander I-”

“No, you listen to me… I thought you loved me, I thought we had something. But all I get is a holding of a hand. And you never looked at me like you look at him.”

“Xander you're not listening to me! You wont even let me speak!” Emma argued. 

“Well, maybe I don't want to  hear it. For a lady, you sure don't act like one. Aren’t ladies supposed to listen? And care for their husbands?” he stuttered. 

“I- my mother was always away and my father was too busy to hire a governess for me. Don't snap at me for having an opinion!”

“You sure have a temper!” Xander leaned against a support beam and crossed his arms across his chest. 

“Says the one who is currently yelling!”

“You know what? I'm done! I'm done with you! I'm done with this adventure. I'm done.” he put his hands in the air, and started to walk inside. 

“No, Xander!” Emma tried to stop him, but he shook her hand off his shoulder. 

“Maybe you should leave, just like your mother.”

Emma stared in shock. Tears threatened to fall at those hurtful words. 

“What is going on out there?” Kayson asked from inside. 

Xander walked inside without a single glance back. “Emma’s being stubborn,” he said quietly. 

Emma looked at the ground, wanting to hide her tears if they did fall. Why did Xander have to bring up her mother? She turned around and tried to calm herself. He’s just upset because of how stressful this journey has been. He’ll apologize later, and all will be well. No matter how many times Emma tried to tell herself all will be ok, she didn't believe herself. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. She should have never brought up the cursed queen's crown. If it wasn't for her, they would never have gone on this journey and Emma wouldn't feel like she had just been stabbed. The tears started to fall faster. She couldn't stop it. She took a shaky breath. 

“Emma? Are you alright?” Kayson’s voice sounded behind her, and Xander scoffed. 

Emma didn't answer. She just ran. She ran as far as she could from the cottage. If she could get away, she wouldn't cause any more harm to Xander and Kayson. 

Emma couldn't stop sobbing. Why did Xander have to be so hurtful? Footsteps sounded from behind a bush. Emma tensed, fear crawling through her. 

“Emma? Where are you?” that was Kayson’s voice. “Emma!” 

She quickly crawled out from behind the bush she was hiding in. “Kayson.” her voice was shaky. 

“Emma, are you alright?” He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her over. 

Emma nodded, the tears still falling. 

“Oh, Emma.” Kayson pulled her into an embrace, and she started to sob again. “Tell me what happened.” he started rubbing her back. 

Emma shook her head and buried her face into his shoulder. She couldn’t say anything. Her sobbing wouldn't let her. 

“It's ok, Emma. you don't have to tell me now. I’ll let you cry it out.” Kayson said quietly. He held her tighter, trying to comfort her. He spoke softly to her, not forcing her to tell him what was wrong. 

Once her crying stopped enough she could explain what had happened, she pulled away a little, enough so she could see his face. “Xander and I got into an argument.” she said quietly. 

“I figured that much.” Kayson shook his head. “Xander has never known how to speak to a woman, especially women in higher classes, like you.” he cupped her cheek. 

His hand felt warm to the touch, and she didn't object. Emma relaxed even more. “He asked if, once we got back to town, we wanted to get married. I told him he was taking things too far, and the argument became heated, he got upset about how you’ve been treating me and how he feels like I was pushing him away. None of it was true!” Kayson seemed to flinch at those words. “I don't know how to explain it to him.” Emma sighed. “He also brought up my mother.” she said quietly. 

“What did he say about your mother?” Kayson asked. 

“H- he said I should just leave, like my mother did.” her words came out as barely a whisper. 

“He said that?” Kayson asked, outraged. “Xander said that, Xander Brooke?” Kayson held her at arms length. 

Emma looked down at the ground and nodded. The tears were on the verge of falling again. 

“He has never been insensitive to anyone like that! I have a few words to say to him, and they are pretty colorful at that.” Kayson rolled up his sleeves and started marching towards the cottage. 

Emma couldn't hold back a giggle. She followed Kayson back to the cottage, hoping he would be able to change Xander’s mind. 

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