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Five years later


I crossed my arms and started to tap my foot. I was nervous. In only a few moments I would marry the love of my life. I set my arms to my side then decide to cross them again.

"Kayson." Xander said laughing. "You look like an anxious dog. You need to relax."

I turned to face Xander. “Relax?!” I hissed. “Something could go wrong!” I had to pull at my collar, it felt like I was being choked. “What if she got stuck somewhere! What if someone kidnapped her!”

Xander grabbed my arm. “Stop being so paranoid.” he said. 

I took a deep breath. 

“The bride has arrived.” The priest said in my ear. I looked at the door. Hours seemed to pass. 

“Please stand.” The priest said. Then the door opened. My heart raced waiting for Emma. Olive stepped in with her pink frilly dress. Her hair was put in a way that bounced with every step. She smiled her biggest smile and walked down the aisle, throwing flowers everywhere, and following her was Isaac holding the rings. Then Emma stepped in. The world seemed to slow down as she walked down with her father. Her wedding dress fit her personality. Her dress was pure white with a long train following it that matched her vail. As she came closer I smiled then she smiled at me. They eventually stopped and her father went to sit down. But before he could, they hugged. He rubbed one eye and Emma touched his face. She then turned to me. I had the energy to do anything. I took her hand and we walked over to the priest.

“You look lovely, Emma.” I whispered. She blushed.

“You look very handsome.” I softly laughed. 

“I love you Emma, I will forever.” Emma squeezed my hand.

“I love you Kayson, always and forever.” I squeezed her hand back. 

Everything went by faster then. We said our vows then the priest asked for the rings. Isaac stepped forward and handed me the rings. 

“I told you I wouldn't lose them.” He winked at me, and I winked back. I put the ring onto Emma’s finger and she did the same for me. 

“I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss.” Emma wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed. I spun her around with joy and was never going to let go.  

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