Chapter 16

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We packed up what we had and started our journey. Following Xander worried me a bit. His story had a lot of holes in it.

“Xander, are you sure you know where you're going?” I asked for the third time. We started to ascend up a steep hill. Xander sighed.

“And I’ll tell you for the third time, yes.”

“I just feel like we've been walking way longer than we should have.” I replied back.

I looked over at Emma who kept looking behind us. And whenever we saw her looking she would look forward for a while.

“Emma?” I asked her.

She jumped. 


“You seemed distracted.”

“I'm fine.” Emma replied then walked faster.

I watched as she walked by Xander who took her hand. Emma suddenly looked very jumpy. But I understood that. So why did she keep denying that I understand? When we reached the top of the hill we were panting and the breeze was the perfect thing for it.  I closed my eyes and opened my arms. The breeze was strong. But not strong enough  to push us over, I hoped.

“You sure like closing your eyes.” Xander said to me.

“It helps me listen. And to shut out annoying people.”

Xander let go of Emma’s hand, and placed the back of it hand on his head in a dramatic pose.

“Am I really that despised around here?!” 

I smiled and elbowed him.

We stood in the wind for a while until it started to pick up, with a big rain cloud following it. 

“We should get to the cottage!” I yelled to Xander. 

“What!” Xander yelled back.

A sudden gasp and scream filled the air. Emma.

I turned to where she was and saw her falling down the hill. Xander called her name but was pushed by the wind causing him to fall off in the other direction. Fog suddenly came through. I couldn't see. I shouted Emma and Xander's names. Then I started to panic. I kept yelling and started to walk toward what I thought was a voice. But tripped. I fell rolling faster and faster till I hit my head. Everything went black.

I awoke to my head throbbing. I was cold and wet and sore. I looked at my surroundings. I was in a thicket of trees. Which meant I couldn't see very far. I stood up and winced as pain shot through my ankle. It was twisted, but I was still able to walk on it. I limped forward and listened. All I heard was the rain. I kept listening. Something very faint caught my ear. I looked in that direction. I heard it again. 

“Emma!” I shouted. The voice stopped. “Emma!” I yelled again. I started to doubt I heard anything when I heard my name. I walked as fast as I could toward that direction. 

“Emma!” I shouted again. Sudden hands wrapped around my mouth. I relaxed when I recognized them. Emma slowly pulled me behind some rocks. She slowly released my mouth. I turned to she was all muddy and scratched, but all right. I began to say her name again when she covered my mouth again. Sheer panic was in her eyes.

“Emma… I know you're here.” That was the monster. Emma started to shake so I took her hands. We shuffled so we could see the monster better. It was looking through the bushes.

“Emma… don't hide. I just want to take you home where you will stay forever.” 

Emma gripped my hand tighter. I slowly lowered my hand reaching for something to throw at it. If it worked the first time, maybe it might work again. Emma grabbed my arm to stop me. The monster had stopped and was listening. It suddenly turned around with its red eyes right in our direction.

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