Chapter 33

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“EMMA!!” Father called after her. “EMMA, STOP!!” 

Emma couldn't stop. Xander tried to kill Kayson! This was all her fault. The creature took control of Xander, and now he is doing things he wouldn't do. Tears rolled down her cheeks. 

“Emma! You need to stop!” Mother caught up to her and stood in front of her, blocking Emma’s path. “Calm down, we will stop him.”  

“He tried to kill Kayson!!” Emma tried to get around her mother. 

“Emma, sweetie, it's ok.” Mother hugged her, and started running her fingers through her hair. 

The tears fell faster. “This is all my fault.” Emma whispered. “I should have never agreed to leave town.” 

“Princess,” Father’s voice sounded behind her. “What are you talking about?” 

Emma took a deep breath. “The night Kayson and Xander came over for tea, we talked about the cursed queen’s crown. Xander thought it would be a good idea to go on an adventure to find the crown.” Emma pulled away from her mother’s embrace. 

“Is that where you have been the past six days?” Father asked. 

Emma nodded. “I kept having these dreams, about the curse, and they all came true. A- and the creature that kept the queen in her castle came after me, wanting to bring me back to town, and since I didn't, it took control of Xander.” Emma wrapped her arms around her middle. 

“You went to the castle, didn't you?” Father sighed. 

Emma nodded. “And Xander placed the crown on his head.” Emma’s voice was almost silent. 

“Princess. Why did you go see the crown?” Father asked. 

“I didn't want to be cursed anymore. I thought, that if I found the crown, I would be able to free myself from the curse.” Emma said. 

“Emma, we could have found a safer way to separate you and the curse.” Father said. 

“There is a safer way to get rid of the curse.” mother said. 

“How?” Emma asked. 

“I wrote about it in Money Man. We need to find this Xander.” 


“Really?” Kayson asked. “We can get rid of this curse once and for all?” 

Emma nodded. “My mother and father are setting up the trap for Xander.” 

Concern entered Kayson’s eyes. 

“They wont hurt him.” Emma reasured him. She sat down next to him on Dr. Cooke’s couch. She wanted to know if he was ok, from the monster’s attempt to choke him, but she didn't know how to ask the question. 

Kayson must have guessed what she was thinking. “I’m alright, Emma. And I am alive too, thank the heavens.” 

Emma sighed in relief. Hopefully Mother will be able to save Xander. 

“How does your mother plan to free Xander?” Kayson asked. 

“She didn't tell me exactly, but she wrote about it in her newset edition of Money Man. One of my mother’s most popular penny dreadfuls. It’s based off of the queen’s curse.” 

“Your mother writes penny dreadfuls as well?” Kayson asked. 

Emma nodded. “She writes a lot of things. Penny dreadfuls, children's books, reviews, novels, you name it, she writes it.”

“That's quite a lot to write. Don't you think?” Kayson asked. 

Emma shrugged. “It’s what makes her happy. I wouldn't change it for the world.'' She  laid her head on his shoulder. 

Dr. Cooke walked into the room the next moment. Emma reluctantly sat up straight. She needed Kayson’s comfort to help her through the worries of saving Xander. 

“Looks like Lord and Lady Barns are in need of our help.” Dr. Cooke motioned for them to follow him out the door. 

Emma limped beside Kayson. Her foot was throbbing from running after Xander, after he tried to kill Kayson. 

“Emma, Kayson, Emmett!” Mrs. Wood called out to them. “Hurry! Lady Barns is about to tell us what to do.” 

Kayson, Emma, and Dr. Cooke joined the others. Emma saw Father with his arms around Xander. 

“Someone get me a rope.” Father instructed. 

“Ha,” Xander laughed. “Foolish human. A rope won't hold me.” 

“Yes, but this will.” Mother stepped up to Xander. She held a candle in her grasp. 

“You plan to defeat me with an extinguished candle stick?” Xander scoffed. 

“Maybe.” Mother turned to the crowd. “Get in a circle around Mr. Brooke.” she instructed. “We will need as many people as possible,” Mother turned to look at Emma. “And a lot more candles.” 

The Crowns CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora