Chapter 7

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Emma walked into the dining room in search of her father. 

“Princess. Do you need something? Is something wrong?” Father asked, standing up. 

“Mr. Wood and Mr. Brooke want to leave town for a bit and they were wondering if I would like to go along with them. They’ll be able to protect me.” Emma pleaded. 

“Emma. You know what would happen if you left town.” Father scoured. 

“Please, Father?” Emma knew what would happen, but if she were to refuse, she would miss out on spending more time with Xander. And maybe get to know Mr. Wood better. 

“No, Emma. That is my final answer. It's too dangerous.” and with that, Father left the room. 

Why was Father so concerned about the safety of the town and not the happiness of his one and only daughter? Nothing was going to happen, right? 

Emma understood the risk she was about to take. Leaving town for her is more dangerous than any other, normal,  person leaving town. 

“Miss, ya realize how much trouble you’ll be in when yer father finds out yer gone, right?” Kristine asked. 

“Yes, I know Kristine.” Emma sighed. “But I’ll be able to spend more time with Xander. If you were my mother, wouldn't you want me to be happy?” She asked. 

“Yes, Miss, but I would also care ‘bout the safety of others as well.” Kristine handed Emma her traveling case. 

Emma looked outside her window. “Why did it have to be me?” 


“Emma! You made it! So glad you could come!” Xander rushed up to her and picked her up, swinging her around in a circle. 

“I’m glad I could come too.” Emma said, trying to hide her nervousness. They were right at the edge of town. 

“Come on. You wanted to go, so let's go.” Mr. Wood said, a little impatiently. 

“Alright, Mr. Bossy.” Xander said teasingly. 

“Miss Barns, let me take your bag.” Mr. Wood offered. 

“Oh, thank you, Mr. Wood.” Emma handed him her traveling case. 

He placed Emma’s bag into a large bag on one of the three horses. “Let's go.” 

“M’lady?” Xander offered Emma his arm. 

Emma smiled, and threaded her arm through his. They started walking down the road, out of town. Mr. Wood led the horses. 

“Ready for an adventure?” Xander smiled excitedly. 

Emma laughed, trying to calm her nervousness. “Yep!” she had never left town, so she didn't really know how to feel. She was anxious, scared and excited all at the same time. 

“We need to get on horseback. It will be faster.” Mr. Wood explained. 

Xander and Mr. Wood helped Emma up onto the horse, then they climbed up onto theirs. 

“Have you ever been out of town, Emma?” Xander asked. 

“No, I haven't actually. This is my first time.” Emma admitted. 

“You are the daughter of a famous author and a well known lord and you have never been out of town?” Mr. Wood asked. 

Emma nodded. 

“Why is that?” Xander asked. 

Emma hesitated. What should she say? “I- I prefer the comfort of home.” she said. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either. 

“Reading books, I assume?” Xander said. 

“No, she was just looking at words.” Mr. Wood said sarcastically. 

Emma laughed out loud. “Yes. I prefer reading in the comfort of my home.” 

“How long have you enjoyed books?” Xander asked.

“What do you mean?” Emma asked. His question was very confusing. 

“Like, when you started reading.” Xander’s face turned red.

“Oh, I started reading when I was around four years old. My mother just became a writer a year before. Do you like to read?”

“No, he doesn't like books.” Mr. Wood said plainly. 

Xander suddenly sat up straight.“I do too!”

“Tell me one book you’ve ever read.” Mr. Wood eyed Xander. 

Xander hesitated. He opened his mouth then shut it again.

“Do you read books Mr. Wood?” Emma said, not wanting to embarrass Xander any longer. 

“I do.” Mr. Wood looked ahead of them. “I have read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.” 

Xander nearly fell off his horse.“Since when!”

“Since I was seven. My mother taught me because that was the only book we had.” Mr. Wood smirked, looking back at his friend. 

Emma held back a laugh. But was silently failing. “Change of topic, Mr Wood, when did you meet Xander?” Emma looked at him. 

“Well… I remember it like it was yesterday. Xander was trying to talk to a flower girl, but was rejected with a slap.”

“Please, not this story.” Xander whined.

“She left and Xander was by himself. So I let myself have sympathy and went to help the poor soul.” Mr. Wood explained. 

“That's not how it went!” Xander shot. 

Emma was laughing so hard she thought her lungs were going to give out, and the friends went silent. Emma’s laugh died out and she cleared her throat. “So, how long do you expect this journey to be?” she asked, wiping her eyes, “How many times are we planning to set up camp?” 

“What do you mean?” Xander asked. 

“How often are we planning to rest?” Emma asked. 

“Every night?” Mr. Wood looked at Xander. 

Panic gripped Emma again as she realized this might take longer than she thought.

“Are you alright? We can continue through the night if you want.” Xander asked. 

Emma shook her head. “It should be fine, we just can’t waste any time.” Worry still bubbled in her stomach. 

“It’ll be fine, Emma. we will keep each other safe.” Xander smirked. “And Kayson can take care of himself.” 

Emma laughed lightly. Her fears were still there, but knowing she would be with Xander and Mr. Wood, her worries somewhat dissipated. 

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