Chapter 29

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Emma smiled at little Olive. The little girl really liked playing with her hair. 

"Youw haiw is vewy pwetty." She said, flipping some strands onto Emma's shoulders. 

"Thank you, your hair is very pretty as well." Emma said, running her fingers through the little girl's shoulder length reddish brown hair. "It's a very nice color." 

"Your hair looks like chocolate." Olive put her hands on the top of Emma's head, rubbing her hands over Emma's hair. Her L’s and R’s sounded like W’s.  "An’ it's vewy soff!" 

Emma's smile widened. "Your hair is really soft too." 

Olive smiled. "My mamma says I have really nice hair. She says it's better than hers." She adjusted her position on Emma's lap. 

"Does your mother do your hair in the morning?" Emma asked. She loved having little Olive as company. 

She nodded enthusiastically.  

Emma looked over at Kayson, who had a large grin on his face. 

He smiled at her. “Her brother was just the same.” 

“Did you like the food Mamma made?” Olive asked. “She makes really good food everyday.” 

“I did. It was delicious.” Emma said, looking back at the small child. 

“Does your mamma make you food?” Olive asked. 

“No, she doesn’t. My mother is a writer. I have a cook at my house that makes my meals.” Emma explained. “My mother hasn't been home in a while.” She missed her mother and hoped to see her soon. 

“Do you miss your momma?” Isaac’s voice sounded next to Emma. 

“I do.” 

“I would miss my mamma if she leff for a while too.” Olive said, hugging Emma. 

“What does your momma write?” Isaac asked, leaning against the edge of the couch. 

“My mother writes books. She mainly writes stories for people my age, but she has also written some children stories.” Emma explained. 

“Have we read any of her stories?” Olive asked, not backing out of her hug. 

“I don't know, have you?” Emma smiled at the children. 

“Who’s your mother?” the children’s mother asked. 

“Lady Amara Barns.” Emma placed little Olive on the floor. 

“Have we, Momma?” Isaac bounced over to his mother. 

“We have. You remember The Pink Rabbit?” the woman asked, bending over to look her son in the eye. 

Isaac nodded. “The one about the bunny and the cloud!” 

The boy’s mother smiled. “That was written by her mother.” she motioned to Emma. 

“We have read your momma’s books!” Isaac’s eyes were glowing with excitement. 

The doctor walked into the room, holding back a laugh. “I think that’s enough excitement for one night, children. Time for bed.”

"I don't want to go to bed! I'm not even tired!" Olive complained. "I want to keep talking to my friend!" She pointed at Emma.

The doctor turned to Emma and Kayson. “The guest rooms are just down that hall.” he motioned to a hallway next to the room the doctor examined her and Kayson in. “The rooms have been lit already, '' he explained. 

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