Chapter 26

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As we descended the stairs it became colder. It also seemed to become darker the farther we went. And a couple times, I saw Emma leaning on the wall.

“Emma, are you not feeling well?” Xander asked. 

“I’m fine. Just a headache.” She rubbed her head. Then kept walking while still touching the wall. I looked to Xander in concern. Something was wrong with Emma. 

“Do you think she is sick?” Xander whispered. 

I didn’t know. She might be, but I don't think that would stop her from this. This was too important. The stairs seemed to last forever. So Xander started to whistle. Emma suddenly turned around causing us to almost run into her. She was starting to go pale.

“Will you stop that!” She snapped. Xander stopped. She turned and kept walking.

“Emma…we don't have to do this now. You are starting to look-” 

“I told you I'm fine.” She didn't even look at us anymore. This concerned me and Xander. We needed to all be well in order to escape the monster. We tried again. she eventually just growled at us. We reached the bottom of the stairs to a long hall. A very long hall. Xander groaned in frustration that echoed. He suddenly smiled. Before I could stop him he yelled. “Echo!” A sudden wind rushed through the long hall. We all shivered and then the matches went out.

“Why did you do that, Xander!” Emma yelled. “Now we cant see!”

“Sorry, I-” Xander said quietly.

“I don't want to hear it. I'm sick of you always messing things up!”
“You're yelling just as loud as I did!” Xander and Emma kept yelling at each other. I tried to see where they were but I couldn't. I also tried listening but couldn't find where they were. The wind came again but this time with a whisper. A woman's voice, calling me. It sounded like my mother. I started to walk towards the sound. She sounded urgent. I needed to help her. I stopped, remembering my friends. They had gone silent. Which meant I didn't know how to find them. My mother called for me again, this time she sounded upset. I started to walk closer. The voice was louder. I began to run. She was sobbing my name now. The hall began to light up. Then I reached a four way hall. I stopped and looked around. It was lit here but not down the halls again. I heard my mother again but from all directions. I called her name. She kept sobbing. It tore at me. I decided to keep on running forward but stopped when it ended. A chill ran down my spine as I realized that I was in a maze. I turned back around and went right this time which led me to another four way hall. I called out again. Her crying was the only thing I could hear. Tears filled my eyes. I had to find her. She was in danger. I didn't remember any of the turns I took from then on. I just kept running till I was gasping for air. Tears were running down my face as I slowly sank to the floor in defeat. What was I doing? I was lost in this maze, and didn't know where to go now, and how to save my mother. I closed my eyes. This can't be real. I tried to focus on something else, anything else. I tried to hear Xander or Emma. They should be in this maze too. Or are they? What if this was a trick? What if this doesn't exist? I rubbed my head. My head started to hurt. Then I realized why. It wasn't crying anymore. It was laughter. But not from my mother. I opened my eyes to see a dress. I then looked up to see a woman. But she was a ghost. I stood and started to back away in fear. 

“Don’t walk away, Kayson.” She smiled creeply which made me shiver. 

“W-Who are you?” I kept stepping away and she kept going forward. 

“I don’t need to introduce myself, you already know who I am.” She kept smiling. But also kept staring into my soul making it feel cold. What did she mean I already knew her? I turned to just run for it but almost ran into a wall. I was cornered. Of course I was. I turned to the woman who still came closer. 

“What do you want with me?” I tried to stay steady but my hands shook.

“I come with a prophecy then I shall let you join your friends.” She stopped in front of me. Waiting for me to agree. I nodded ready for a prophecy that I hoped was easy then I thought.

    “Three alies-One goes astray while the rest decide to stay.

    Two days-Everything is in disarray. 

    One betray- will suffer the last day.” 

What? She floated back slowly fading. 

“Wait!” The hall suddenly seemed to be changing. Making me dizzy. I fell to the ground and closed my eyes to maybe block out the movement. Suddenly it stopped. I opened my eyes to be in a large room. With pillars and worn out stone. A glow caused me to look in its direction. There it was. The crown. With a golden glow. I heard groaning and saw Xander and Emma in the same position I was in. I stood and went to help them stand up.

“There it is.” Emma said breathlessly.

“What do we do?” Xander asked.

“You let me handle it.” Emma started to step forward but suddenly grew more pale causing her to stop. She suddenly grabbed her head and started to fall.

“Emma!” I quickly ran to catch her from hitting the ground. I slowly lowered her to the ground. She was cold. “Emma!” I said again. “Xander-” I looked to see him just standing there.

“Xander?” I asked again. Nothing. I layed Emma down who had now passed out and walked over to Xander. I grabbed his shoulders and went to shake him. He was cold. A force suddenly pushed me away. Right into a pillar. I gasped as I slammed into it and fell. My head throbbed and my vision went fuzzy. Don’t black out. Don’t black out. I lifted my head to see Xander walking toward the crown. 

“X-” I coughed and winced as my chest throbbed. But I had to keep trying. He was in some kinda transe. I slowly and painfully stood up and limped as fast as I could to Xander who was only a couple feet away from the crown. 

“Xander!” I yelled as loud as I could but it wasn't loud enough. I started to run. Everything screamed at me. Xander was to the crown. I needed him to wait. I was almost there. He then looked at me which caused me to stop. His face was full of anger. Just like my nightmare. He then turned and grabbed the crown. Golden light flooded the room which blinded me from seeing him. The room began to shake and little pieces of rock  fell from the ceiling. The room was becoming unstable. I looked back at him when the light dimmed. 

“Xander?” I said quietly. He wasn't moving. I repeated his name again louder this time. He slowly turned in my direction, eyes closed. He then slowly moved his arm putting on the crown.

"Xander! Don't do this!" I grabbed my side in pain. Xander started to walk towards me. We were face to face. He then spoke in the monster's voice. 

"But I do." He then walked past me and walked to Emma and crouched down next to her. Putting his hand threw her hair. 

"Don't touch her!" I yelled which caused me to wince and gasp for air. Xander looked at me and frowned. 

“What are you going to do?” Xander said. He then stood and walked to the back wall and put his hands on it. The room shook more and the wall blew out. Light flooded the room which caused me to look away so my eyes could adjust. When my eyes were adjusted I looked back. Xander stood on top of the broken wall smiling evilly. He then raised his hand which made the room have another burst of it shaking. The two pillars of stone suddenly began to collapse. And before I could even cry out for Xander the pillars landing in our only escape. I stood there breathless as the room stopped shaking. We were going to die here. I looked at Emma, who was still passed out. I slowly walked over to her and knelt down taking her hand. This couldn't be over. This couldn't be the end. More small rocks fell from the room. I decided to slowly adjust Emma so she was in my arms. I still held her hand and rubbed my thumb over top of it.

“This can’t be the end…” I whispered.

Then the prophecy came to my mind.

Three alies-one goes away while the rest decide to stay. 

The Crowns Curseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن