Chapter 21

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Emma followed at Kayson’s side. How did he lose his voice? She looked down at the ground as they walked. She had no idea where Kayson was leading them either. She also noticed that, when Kayson had made her and Xander apologize to each other, the cottage was no longer there. Were they in a different place? Or had the cottage simply vanished? 

Kayson started to cough again which pulled Emma back to the present. “Are you ok?” she asked quietly. 

Kayson nodded when the coughing subdued. 

Emma looked at Kayson in pity. She felt bad that the only way he could communicate was by nodding his head, or motioning things to them. That was a very limited way of communication. 

“Where are we going?” Xander asked, holding the rest of the bags. 

Kayson just shrugged. 

“Maybe I should lead. I know where we need to go.” Emma suggested. 

Kayson nodded, and motioned for her to lead. 

She stepped up and started to lead the way. 

They walked in silence. After a while, thunder rumbled above them. 

“Will you be able to find where we are going? The rain might distort the trail.” Xander said. 

“We’ve walked in the rain before, we can do it again.” Emma said plainly. 

“But we might lose our way if the rain gets really bad again.” Xander said 

“Xander, we’ll be fine. I know where I am going.” Emma turned to look at him. 

“Positive?” Xander asked. 

“Yes, Xander.” She turned away and continued walking. 

Xander whispered something to Kayson, but Emma couldn't make it out. She heard a smack and Xander saying a colorful exclamation of pain. Emma held back a laugh. They walked up to split paths in the forest. 

“Which way do we go?” Xander asked. 

Emma didn't know. She didn't remember this part. She didn't want them to know that she was confused. She decided to just pick a path and hope for the best. “This way.” She led them down the left path. They continued down the path in silence.

After a while, Xander spoke up. “Are you sure we went the right way? I have a feeling we’re lost.” 

“Yes, we went the right way.” Emma said, her tone full of annoyance. 

“We’ve been in the forest for hours and we have not left the trees once!” Xander complained. 

“I know where we are going.” Emma tried to keep her voice calm. 

“Really? It's getting dark, and I doubt we are any closer to the crown.” Xander’s voice was full of doubt. 

“If you would stop doubting me, we would get there faster!” Emma snapped, she turned to look at Xander. 

“I’m pretty sure we went the wrong way. We can just retrace our steps and go the right way.” Xander turned around. 

Kayson grabbed his shoulder and turned him to look at Emma again. 

“You don't know where the crown is. We would never have been this far without me.” Emma argued. 

“Yeah, and how do you know where the crown is? Your book?” Xander threw the soaking wet bags onto the floor. “Lets see if there is a map in your book.” he started going through the bags. 

Emma started to panic. There was no map in her book. No one had found the crown. No one knew where the ruined kingdom was. How would she explain how she knew where to go without revealing her deepest secret? 

“Ah, ha. Here it is.” Xander pulled out Emma’s book. 

Kayson seemed to notice Emma’s panic, and took the book from Xander. He started flipping through the pages. 

“Hey! I was going to look through it.” Xander stood up and tried to take the book back, but Kayson turned away, placing the book out of Xander’s reach. 

“Kayson.” Emma tried to take the book as well, but he did the same thing, turned away. 

“What are you doing?” Xander reached for the book again. “The map is always in the front of the book!” 

Kayson shook his head, slammed the book shut, and started walking in the other direction. 

“What?!” Xander looked at Emma in confusion, then picked up the bags he placed down and followed Kayson. 

“What just happened?” Emma asked quietly. 

The Crowns CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora