Chapter 22

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There was no map. Which meant we were lost. And we were all very, very tired. I coughed again which hurt. I needed rest so my voice could heal right. I turned around stopping Xander and Emma. I tried to describe with my hands that we needed to rest but failed because they looked just as confused as before.

“Ummm, is this a game?” Xander asked. I pulled my forehead. Well, actually, that might work! It might lighten things up a bit and I’ll be able to tell them we needed rest. I gestured for them to guess. Then I started. I put my hands together and put them on the side of my face and closed my eyes.

“...Sleeping!” Emma shouted. I pointed, smiling, indicating she was correct. She smiled back.

Next one. I put my hand together, in the shape of an arrow, and put it over my head.

“...House? Wait no. Were not going back to one of those…Shelter?” I gave Xander a thumbs up. Last one. I wiggled my finger which put them both in silent thought. Xander leaned over and whispered something to Emma who shook her head. 

“It’s wavy?” Xander suggested. I nodded

“Is it big?” Emma asked. I shrugged because it could be both.

“Is it bright?” Xander asked. I nodded, smiling brighter.

Xander and Emma looked at each other and shouted. “Fire!” 

I clapped and Xander went to hug Emma but hesitated. Emma smiled and hugged Xander who had a smile on his face. Success! I continued to walk in the direction that I started. I guess we just needed those moments. Plus I hoped they would stop jumping down each other's throats.

We found a spot under a tree that blocked out the rain. We were drenched and cold. Which may bring a risk of us getting sick, which worried me. 

“How are we gonna start a fire?” Emma asked, shivering. 

I hesitated. All the wood was too wet to burn. I turned to Xander who was hanging out the also drenched blankets. I sighed and looked out into the rain. If only it would stop! I started making hand motions that we are just gonna have to hold through. But how would you do that? I decided to walk over to Emma and whispered in her ear. My heart started to beat faster and it took me longer to speak. 

“Well just have to… sit this through for the night.” I stepped back. I didnt cough that time which showed that my throat was getting better. Emma seemed a little worried but nodded. I turned to Xander so I could whisper to him but Emma spoke up for me which I was grateful for. The sun began to fall and we decided to lay against the tree and to sit next to each other. It went to Xander, Emma, and me. That became awkward so me and Emma swapped but that also was awkward.  So we swapped back because we didn't want Emma to get cold. At first we just sat there in silence and awkwardness. Then Xander started to hum. I decided to try to hum too because I sadly recognized the song. I was grateful my voice didn't hurt when I hummed. Maybe I could try to speak. I cleared my throat.

“Xander.” I cleared my throat because it sounded hoarse. “Xander.” 

“Hey, your voice is back, almost!” Emma said smiling. I smiled back at her. Xander kept humming the song then started to sing. I laughed and Joined in. As we sang it echoed off the woods. It would have sounded wonderful if it wasn't cold and wet. Our singing began to die down when Xander and I yawned at the same time. 

“You two boys need some sleep.” Emma said quietly.

Xander shuffled for a more comfortable position crossing his arm ready to sleep.

“Who’s going to stay watch?” I asked. I began to offer but Emma cut me off.

“You watched last time.” I looked at Xander then. He was already snoring.

“Next time. He’s doing it.” I mumbled. 

“I can do it.” Emma said quietly.

I sat up straighter. 

“Are you sure?” The monster was still out there and wanted her. Well. I didn't know who the monster was going to get. I didn't decide fast enough. 

“Kayson?” Emma said bringing me back

“What?” I said

“Did you hear what I said?” Emma said, annoyed. I tried to think back to what she said until she shoved my arm.

“I'm joking.” Emma said smiling. I smiled back because my thoughts still bothered me.

“You really should get some sleep Kayson, You look tired. Plus you seem distracted.”

I shrugged then looked at my shoes. 

“Do you want to talk about it?” Emma asked.

“I-I… I don't think I can.” I mumbled.

Emma looked confused which made me want to tell her more.  But I couldn't because I didn't know. Xander yawned and put his head on Emma’s. Before I could stop myself, I asked.

“Do you think you and Xander are still together?” I asked. I guess my heart still wanted to know. but still didn't want to know. Emma shrugged the best she could.

“I-I don’t know. It was a big fight that wasn't a big deal” Emma said quietly. So Emma had doubts. I snapped that thought out of my head. Xander was not my enemy. I sighed and closed my eyes. We sat in silence for a little bit then Emma said quietly that made my heart flutter.

“Good night, Kayson.” Then I went to sleep.

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