Chapter 25

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Emma stood up and looked around the tall flower field. “Where are our bags?” she started digging around in the flowers. It was starting to get dark and they needed to get a move on.

“Weren’t they right here?” Xander started digging through the flowers as well. 

"They're not here." Emma looked around for their missing bags. "Did we walk away from them? I thought we stayed in the area around our bags." 

Kayson stood up and started digging through the flowers. He jumped at something, then started parting the bushes again.

"What scared you, Kayson?" Xander asked, a smirk on his face. 

"Nothing." Kayson said, still going through the flowers. 

Emma held back a laugh as she continued looking. "Something startled you." 

"What was it, Kayson? Did you see a spider?" Xander teased. 

Kayson shook his head. He was facing away from them and Emma couldn't see his face. 

Emma giggled. "What was it?" 

"It was nothing! Alright?" Kayson looked back at them. 

"Did you see a large bug with massive legs?" Xander started walking towards him. 

"No." Kayson continued his search. 

Emma started walking towards him. "Then what did you see?" She took another step forward, and fell. 

"Emma?" Xander's voice echoed above her. "Emma? Where did you go?" 

"I fell in a hole." She tried to climb out, but the hole was too small and tight. 

"Emma." Kayson looked down at her. "Here." He held out his hand, and she grabbed it. 

A tingling sensation flowed through her from her fingertips to her toes. Kayson pulled her up and out of the hole. 

"How deep was that hole?" Xander asked, looking over the flowers and peering into the hole. 

Emma looked down too, a small face poked out at the bottom of the hole. 

Xander bursted out laughing. "You fell into a rabbit hole!!" 

The owner of the little face came out all the way. 

"Xander? That wasn't a rabbit." Kayson slowly started backing away. 

Emma watched as a large snake-like creature slithered out of the hole and towered over them. 

"What is that?" Xander asked. 

The snake-like creature was black and had large red eyes. 

"Oh no." Emma whispered. 

"WHAT IS THAT?!?!" Xander asked again. 

"RUN!!!" Kayson yelled. 

Emma, Kayson and Xander ran and the snake-like creature shot after them. 

"WHAT THE BLAZES IS THAT?!" Xander asked again. 

"IT'S THE MONSTER!!" Kayson yelled. 

Emma ran as fast as she could, trying to escape the creature's reach. 

"EMMA!!!!" The creature hissed. 

Kayson stopped, and looked at her. 

"YOU HAVE DISOBEYED ME!!!!" The creature lunged at her. 

"EMMA!!" Xander turned and tried to pull Emma out of the way, but was too late. 

The creature transformed into its original form and grabbed Emma, trying to pull her down with it into another hole. 

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