Chapter 36

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I choked on the lump in my throat. I felt her go limp in my arms as liquid covered my hand. I sank to the ground and started to sob. 

“Emma…” My heart hurt. Everything hurt. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I shifted Emma so I could cradle her. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't gasp for air. I slowly put my head to her forehead. I started to shake from my sobbing. “Emma.” I shouted louder. I was angry, I was sad. I was in love. And I killed her. Someone grabbed my shoulder. I didn't open my eyes to see. I couldn't look at Emma dead.  

“Kayson…” That was Xander. I shook my head, rocking Emma. This wasn't Xander’s fault. But anger still bubbled inside my heart. “Kayson…I'm sorry.” I didn't want his apology. I wanted an apology from the person who started this all. I slowly sat up and opened my eyes to Xander. Shadows were under his eyes. My eyes watered again which I didn't think was possible. Xander shooted closer and reached towards Emma. Probably to close her eyes. I had to look elsewhere. I regretted it. Lady Barns was passed out on Lord Barns who just stared out in the woods. Tears ran down his face. I looked over to my mother who was hugging Emmet. I turned back to Xander. 

He was looking down at his hands.“This is all my fault.” 

I closed my eyes trying to set aside that Emma said the same thing.

“It’s not.” My voice was still shaking.

“It is Kayson, I got jealous. The monster gave me a choice to accept him or not to. I was so angry, so I accepted. It felt so good at first. But then I saw what I did. I saw…” He saw himself destroying our home. I lifted my hand that felt like the weight of a house. I could barely make it to Xander’s arm. 

“It's the monster’s fault.” 

Xander looked at me. “Y-You don't hate me?” he asked shakily. 

I shook my head. Tears came to his eyes. We both cried. Cried of sorrow, cried of relief. A faded light caused us to look up. The cloud seemed to part. 

“Hello.” I looked forward to the familiar voice. It was the dead queen. This time she seemed more calm. Almost peaceful. I slowly laid Emma down and stood with anger. I walked over and pointed at her.

“This…Is your… fault!” She didn't even blink but sadness filled her expression. 

“Let me tell you how it started.” I almost spoke up to say that I didn't want to hear it, but Xander touched my shoulder. “When I was younger I found the crown. I thought it was just a crown, until I started seeing the monster. At first I feared it but then it seemed to become my friend. People said I was crazy mad because I did crazy things. But I was just playing. Years passed and the monster was still there. But the monster told me rumors of people trying to take him away from me. So I became greedy. Then when I became queen, things became worse. I didn't listen to anyone else. It felt like the monster was my only friend. Till I fell in love. The world seemed to change. I didn't listen to the monster anymore. The monster warned me to not ignore it. But I did, I wanted to get rid of it. I told my love and he did not hesitate to help me. We found out that I had to die. I immediately walked to the edge before he could stop me but I froze and blacked out. When I awoke, my love was possessed by the monster. I died that day. I watched over the years of how I was evil. I also watched my kingdom fall. I also watched Emma touch-” This was far enough.

“Don't you say her name! You could have done something!” She said nothing which angered me even more. She floated closer to me. 

“I understand your rage. Many people had anger towards me as well. Let me show you.”  She suddenly flew towards me causing me to fall backwards. The world twisted then it was white. I sat up. Did she just kill me? I stood and looked around for Emma. 

“She’s not here.” I groaned when hearing the queen's voice. I turned towards her.

“Bring me back!” She shook her head, denying my request. Blast her! I turned to walk a different direction but found the queen there too. I then turned the other direction and she was there too.

“What do you want?!” She said nothing. I crossed my arms in frustration. Voices surrounded me, causing me to turn. I was standing in a village. It was a perfect day. But as I listened to the voices I heard a lot of the same thing. ‘The queen had gone mad.’ ‘Why was she made queen anyway?’ ‘I heard she fell in love, I bet she cursed him.’ These were horrible. Everything twisted causing me to fall over. I looked around to find myself in a library. Laughter flooded the room. I followed the sound to find the Queen and someone else. He was holding her hand. 

“Raymond, We have to focus.” The queen said, giggling.

“Hmmm, no.” He then kissed her. It felt like a punch to the stomach. It reminded me of Emma.

“Why am I here?” I asked. The ghost queen said nothing.

The queen then stood and took Raymond’s hand for him to follow towards a balcony. They stepped outside and she sighed. 

“Do you think I'm mad?” The queen asked. Raymond smiled.

“It depends.”

“I'm serious…” He took her hand. I couldn't handle this anymore. I turned and closed my eyes and started to count. I don't know why I was counting, I just need to numb everything else. Suddenly things went quiet. I opened my eyes and turned. The queen was on the ground, tears rolling down her face. And Raymond stood over her.

“You should have listened.” The monster said. She struggled to stand. 

“Please, I beg of you! Don't do this!” The monster stepped forward. The queen kept begging. But Raymond kept walking forward. She then shouted. 

“Ozorith!” Raymond stopped. What? “Take me back. I'm sorry. I won't ignore you.” Raymond suddenly fell and the monster stepped out of the shadows. The queen reached out her hand for the monster to take. The monster hesitated then took her hand. The queen stood again and looked to the edge. Then she jumped. Raymond started to shake then opened his  eyes. He shot up and looked over the edge. Shouting her name. A tear went down my face. 

“I tried killing the monster. But I failed.” The ghost queen said. Everything twisted back to white. “I tried killing the monster by myself.” I turned to look at her. She turned to me. 

“I want to show you one last thing.” The world twisted again to show a forest. A little girl suddenly rolled out of the bushes. Emma. She stood and looked around. Then she stopped, her eyes seemed to light up. She started to run forward. Wind brew, causing her to step back. Emma stepped forward in determination. She walked forward slowly then I realized what she saw. It was the crown.

“Emma!” I shouted. “Don't touch it!” She stopped and looked around. Could she hear me? I called to her again but she must have ignored me. Before I could call her name she touched the crown. The world twisted again to white. I whipped around to the ghost queen.

“I tried to stop her. And so did you. But fate is fate.” A chill ran through me when realizing what she meant. I looked at the ghost queen in a new way. “Thank you for showing me.” I whispered. She nodded. We stood there for a couple moments but nothing changed. Was I going to be stuck here now? I looked around. Maybe I was dead. I turned back to the ghost queen and stepped back from the sudden light. 

“You have set me free from the bonds of the monster. I shall grant you one wish.” 

“Can you bring Emma back?” my heart quickened. She did not respond. “Can you?”

She did not speak. “Can you!?” I shouted. My vision began to blur. “Can..y-” I closed my eyes to try to focus. When someone started to shake me. I opened my eyes to a blue sky. I sat up. 

“Where's- “ my heart dropped when seeing Emma not moving. It didn't work. 

“Kayson!” Xander shouted, choking me with a hug. “Y-Y-You fell and we thought you were dead! You weren't breathing!” So I was dead. Did she bring me back instead? I slowly got up and walked over to Emma. I knelt, taking her hand. I paused. Her hand was warm. 

“Emmett!” I shouted. I grabbed her hand with both my hands. “Her hand is warm.” Emmett immediately felt her neck for a pulse. My heart began to race. I gripped her hand tighter. 

“She’s alive,” Emmets said. He then said it louder for everyone to hear. “Emma is alive!”

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