Chapter 4

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"O-M-G!!!! THIS IS LIKE TOTALLY THE BEST DAY!!!!!!!" Emilly said screaming in the bathroom to her friend Xavier. He nodded enthusiastically and gave emilly a high-five.
"Thats great Emilly im so happy for you" He said grabbing his bag and heading towards the door. Emilly closed her book and followed them out of the bathroom and into the empty hallway. They always stayed behind to work on homework together but mainly just talk and hung out. But it was getting late and they needed to get home or Emillys mom would throw a fit. They walked out of the school and started walking on the sidewalk and it was raining so they shared a umbrella. Once they got to Xaviers bus stop they stopped.
"You can use my umbrella to walk home" He said handing Emilly the kawaii umbrella that had flowers on it and was nothing like Xaviers cool and emo style.
"OKAY THANKS!!!!!" Emilly said hugging Xavier TIGHTLY and then took the umbrella and walked away. Xaviers face fell after they waved to Emily, He was  glad that Emilly had finally found someone but...
"Why cant it be me?" He asked out loud.
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Emilly walked happily to her super gross and ugly house. She opened the door and found her mom in a pile of cigarettes and beer cans. Emilly walked upstairs and put on her cute fuzzy pjs and put her long, soft blonde hair into a braid. She laid down on her floor and started reading moby dick. After a few chapters she heard a knocking at her door.
"Yes?!" She asked. Her mom opened the door, her hair a mess and her eyes dropping.
"Pack ur bag ugly i sold you" She said throwing a moldy green suitcase at her.
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emillie said absolutely flabbergasted.
"Dont yell at me you lump, I need the extra cash and you are just annoying. So put on something cute and come downstairs when ur done packing your books or whatever." Her mom said closing the door. Emilly cried and packed her bag when she suddenly heard a car pull into her driveway and the car doors closing.It must be the men who bought her. She heard deep manly voices speaking but she didn't know what they were saying. The the doorbell rang and her mom opened the door.
"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~" Her mom said while she walked down the stairs in a nice tight red dress, even if she hated wearing dresses. She would much rather have on a pair of sweatpants and a oversized anime hoodie. Her hair was up in a beautiful hairdo and she had on 17 inch platform heels. 2 Men were standing in the doorway and they were holding a briefcase full of money. They handed over the money and Emillys mom pushed her forward into the strong arms of the men. 
"THANKS" her mom said the closed the door. Emillie turned to look at the 2 men but they were leading her to the black limo car. One opened the door and the other got into the driver spot. Emilly got in and saw a ~HaNdSoMe~ man sitting infront of her. She blushed but the dim lighting in the limo hit the redness in her face.
"Hey Baby Doll~" The man said.
"H-h-h-h-h-w-w-who are y-y-y-y-you?" Emilly asked feeling small and weak compared to the big man in front of her.
"My Name Is Jason" Jason said. Wow, Jason that was such a hot name.
"Your Mother Told Me That Your Name Is Emilly? Is That Right?" Jason asked crossing his legs.
"Y-y-y-y-yeahhhhhhhh~~" Emilly said singing. By now Emilly could get a better look at Jason and OhH WoWzErS if his voice isn't hot enough his pretty baby face made him look 10000000% more handsome. His pale skin was smooth and he had tattoos all over his hairy arms. He was in a all black suit and had on DARK sunglasses. But emillie did not want Jason to know that EMilly thought he was cute. So Emilly continued to act scared, small and frightened.
"You Dont Have To Be Afraid Of Me Baby Cakes, Now That I Own You No One Can Hurt You" golly Emily was waiting her whole entire life for someone to say that to her. That she didn't have to be afraid, and not that Jason owned her.
"Y-y-you dont o-o-o-own m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-me" Trying to sound tough and scary but it failed. Jason only chuckled and took a sip of his super fancy and expensive Sprite.
"Let Me Explain To You On How This THING Works" Jason said crossing his legs. Emilly said ok and sat up straighter and more feminine even though she hated the dress she had on.
"Ive Been Watching You For Sometime Now And You Are Just Stunning, So I Decided To Follow You Around For A Bit And After A While I Wanted To Make You Mine. I Asked I Spent 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000$$$$ On You". Gee that was a lot of money for a ugly nerd like emily. Was Emilly really worth that kind of money? 
"B-b-b-butt i dont under-r-r-rstand? W-w-w-w-why would you want someone.....l-l-ll-l-ike me?" Emilly asked staring cutely at Jason.
"Because You Are Supar Pretty" Jason said reaching up and taking off his glasses. Finally she could see his face. Jasons eyes were bright piss yellow and he had a scar going over his eye and eyebrow, it looked new and like it was from wolf claws. Emilly couldn't stop staring, he was pretty and golly he had amazing eyes. Jason chuckled hotly and Emilly leaned back in the car seat.
"I Understand If This Is A Lot To Take IN" Jason said leaning forward and making Emilly blush.
"Thats Why I Am Taking You To My Famillys Vampire Mafia Palace. You Will Be Safe There And I Will Kill Anyone Who Tries To Hurt My Kitten". Jason growled.
"W-w-w-wait d-d-d-d-did you say v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v–v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-vampire?" Emilly asked stuttering a little.
"Yes, But Do Not Worry Baby Cakes, I Will Make Sure No One Hurts You Or Feeds From You...Except For Me." Jason said giving her a little wink. Emilly giggled "HEEheeHEEheeHEEhee" and brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face. Suddenly she looked outside and saw a really big palace. It had lots of windows and it was black and dark and the moonlight shined on it to give it a even more majestic look. Emilly *gasp*.
"Its Not Much But Its Home" Jason said putting on his DARK sunglasses and leaned back.
"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i think its amazing," Emilly said, kneeling on the seat and pressed her face onto the glass. The car parked in the driveway and Emilly saw 2 people standing outside, back straight and they were also wearing all black and DARK sunglasses. Emilly and Jason got out of the car and the 2 people walked over to them.
"Welcome back Jason" one said in a smooth, soft voice. Emilly looked at who had spoken and saw a rather tall Africa American with short fluffy Raven hair and had on a black suit that was perfectly tailored. The other was taller and rather handsome, his skin was also pale just like Jason but he had long blond hair that blew with the wind, he had on the same uniform as Jason but he had a tattoo of a snake going up his neck.
"Here" emilly said throwing her moldy green bag to the raven haired vampire.

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