Chapter 8

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"EMIY RUNNN!!!!!!" Jake yelled. Emilly ran fast and away from Jason who was laughing evilly. Suddenly SPUD COLLINS fell from a nearby tree and started beatboxing. That startled Jason and he got distracted. Emilly kept running and running and into the woods. Spud Collins beatboxing echoed through the forest and the sound of fighting could be heard all around. Back with Jake, Jason and Spud Collins an epic battle was happening.
"Let me introduce you to my friends, Mr. Fisty and Mr. Fangs" Jake said while staring at Jason intensely while raising up his fists.
"En Garde" Jason said while pulling out a sword and pointing to Jake. Jake shapeshifted into his wolfie form and tried to pounce on Jason while Spud Collines was beatboxing. Jason was dodging and weaving around Jake who was attacking him and trying to ignore Spuds relaxing music.
"You Cant Keep Her Safe Forever!!!" Jason said.
"YES I CAN YOU UGLY LOSER" Jake said while screaming.
"Ehd Sbkw djioH esdBJ DKBks dnbsk" Spud Collins beatboxed. Suddenly Jason stopped moving and started to dance in rhythm to Spud beatboxing.
"HaeeEE HAeeEEe" Jake laughed while watching Jason dance.
"This Is Super Embarrassing" Jason said while dancing.
"Good job Spud...distracting him like that" Jake said while giving him a thumbs up.
Spud Collins just rolled his eyes but continued to beatbox. So the fight went on, at moment Jason would break out of the dance and attack them only to be lifted up emotionally by Spud Collins's inspiring beatboxing.
"Why do you even want Emilly? Shes nothing special" Jake growled and whipped some blood off of his face.
"Because I Love Her" Jason said while raising the sword and charging at Jake.
"No you dont" Jake said while dodging. Spud continued to beatbox.
"BkeH sdbkN dmw sdM" Spud boxed. Jason was forced to stay still again as the magic flowed from Spuds magical voice.
"You Dont Know My Life You Smelly Dog" Jason said.
"I've Been In Love With Her Since She Was Six So I Know More About Love Than You" Jason hissed.
"Now that sounds like, pedo-pedo-pedo-pedo-pedophiliaaaaa~ stop man." Spud Collins said, pausing his beatboxing to stare at Jason weirdly, in a Brooklyn accent.
Jason noticed how he regained control of his body and got an idea. He used his super speed and rushed over to Spud Collines and he raised his sword and then stabbed him. Spud Collins gasped as the blade pierced his chest and he fell to the ground in a Brooklyn accent.
"This Is What You Get For Helping Him And Not Me" Jason said to Spud. Jason raised his boot and smashed it down onto Spud Collins face many times. Over and over and over again he smashed his boot into Spud Collins face before turning and running into the woods after Emilly.
"N-N-N-Noooo Spud" Jake whispered while kneeling downs and trying to stop the blood.
"Its alright bitch boy I knew this was commin" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"NOOOOOOOOO Dont you dare die on me dont you die on me" Jake begged while holding Spud's small body up and while also trying to put pressure on the blood.
"Stop yer cryin' and go save your worthless mate" Spud snapped in a Brooklyn accent. Jake sobbed, tears and snot fell down his face.
"I cant leave you here to die alone," Jake said while still sobbing.
"Im ready to go now" Spud said in a Brooklyn accent while closing his eyes.
"Dont you dare close your eyes" Jake begged.
"SHUT.THE.FACK.UP. AND.LET.ME.DIE.ALONE" Spud yelled in a Brooklyn accent.
"Ok" Jake said getting up and chasing after Jason.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - Emilly ran as fast as her small little legs would take her. She did not know where she was running to but she ran. She didn't even really know why? Jason would never hurt her. Jake just told her to run and she started running. Why would she listen to Jake its not like he knew anything about Jason? It did not matter if Jason was a little possessive and obsessed with her. But it's not like THAT matters. Emilly turned to run back to Jason but a voice stopped her.
"Emily where you been loca?" a voice called her. Emilly turned around and saw Xavior running toward her.
"OMG XAVIOR I MISS YOU" Emilly cried running to him and jumping into his arms for a hug.
"When I hear you have kidnapped i-"
"Bought...I was bought not kidnapped" Emilly interrupted.
"RRRRRIIiiigggghhhhttt" Xavier said.
"Well when i heard i rushed right over here to Jake since i knew you were talking about him and it turns out he is a werewolf and that's just like super crazy" Xavior ranted.
Emilly just giggled and looked into Xavior's eyes. He was so pretty when he talked about thing he was passionate about. Passionate about Emilly.
"When i found out Tom Holland was in the pack and Jake i knew you would be safe because you had 2 sexy and strong men to be looking for you" Xavior said.
"Lol i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i know b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but like Jason i-i-i-i-i-is-s-s-s-s-s kinda cute" Emilly said blushing and brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Well ill bring you back to my house that im staying in just for now so i can keep you safe and sound and if Jason tries to find you and take you back i can protect you" Xavier said leading her DEEPER into the forest. They walked quietly for a while. Xavier held her hand and led her in. His hand was warm, strong and hard super big. It was cute. A whisper called in the trees, like the wind.
"*gasp and shudder* w-w-w-w-hattttt-t-t w-w-w-was t-t-t-that?!?!?" Emilly cried clinging onto Xaviers arm.
"Dont worry honey drop its just the wind, or the old lady witch who is living in the wood" Xavier teased.
"*gasp*" Emilly gasped.
"Lol im just kidding" Xavier said.
"Oh okay" Emilly said.
Xavier pulled Emilly closer to him and walked peacefully through the forest. This was nice. He never got to be this close to her without a dozen guys glaring at him at school. He leaned his head down and inhaled DEEPLY. Emilly smells like coconut and lavender. It was so cute that Emilly smelled so good even though she never had to take showers. Emilly was so small next to Xavior and it was nice.
"HoW mUcH fUrThEr" Emilly whined. "My FeEt ArE hUrTiNg AnD iM c-C-c-C-c-CoOoLlDd" She complained.
"Oh im sorry baby face here ill carry you since we still have a long way to walk." Xavier said.
"OK" Emilly yelled while jumping into Xaviors arms and he grunted. Emilly was as light as a feather and she stared right into his eyes as he carried her. They stayed like that for a very long time and then they finally got to the cabin that Xavior is staying in. He set her down right before they entered the cabin. Xavier opened the door for Emilly and she walked right in and didn't even whip her shoes since she didn't walk at all. Xavier just laughed and walked in and then closed the door.
"D-d-d-d-d-o-o-o-o-ooo-o-o-o-o- h-have any food?"  Emilly asked while looking through the fridge.
"Oh um yeah princess it is on the drawer above the sink." Xavier said. Emilly reached up but she was too small and tiny to reach the drawer or even get to the sink.
"Here baby face daddy will get that for you" Xavier said and reached up and grabbed a box of twinkies and gave it to Emilly.
"t-t-t-t-g-h-h-h-hh-h-h-h-hh-h–aa-a—k–k-k-k-k-kk-k—k-kuyyyy-yy–y you" Emilly stuttered and took the box before turning and hiding the blush on her face. She had never heard Xavier talk like that to her and if she was being completely honest it was lowkey and highkey kinda hot and sexy.
Xavior saw the smile on her face when he said that and he blushed a bit also. Emilly and Xavior sat on the floor and ate twinkies until it was almost midnight. They talked about everything and nothing until Emilly started looking sleepy.
"Are you ready for bed?" Xavier asked.
"Y-yyy-y-y-yyy-e-e-e-eee-e-e-e-eess-s-s-ss-s-" Emilly said closing her eyes and resting her head on Xaviors shoulder for a bit. He laughed and watched her for a bit. He burned the image of her on his shoulder into his mind before he picked her up and started to carry her to his room. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him.
"Oh no i forgot i only have one bed" Xavier said looking down at Emilly.
"T-t-t-t-thhhhats-s-s-s okay" Emily said.
"Are you sure baby face i-i-i-i dont want to make you uncomfortable? '' Xavier said?
"You are like my brother. Y-y-y-yo–u-u-u could never m-m-m-ma-a-a-a-ke my uncomf-f-f-fy" Emilly said.
"Okay" Xavier said setting her down and holding her steady while she swayed a bit on her sleepy little legs.
"Just so you know I dont sleep with a shirt on" Xavier said. "Or pants btw" Xavier also said.
"T-t-t-t-t-hh-h-ata okay" Emilly said blushing a bit and twirling a hair around her finger.
"Alrighty then ill get ready then" Xavior said. And leading Emilly to the bed she crawled in and got comfy under the covers. Xavier got changed and crawled into bed next to her. He made sure he gave her plenty of room. He could hear shuffling in the sheets and then he gasped when he felt Emily move next to him. She had cuddled in next to him and was holding onto a pillow.

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