Chapter 9

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Warm light started to fill the room. Emilly woke up to the smell and sound of bacon sizzling in a pan and pancakes being made. Her mouth started to water and she looked around the room. She suddenly sat up quickly and looked around. She remembered the night before and what had just happened. She had fallen asleep with Xavior, HER BESTIE!!!! Thats like cheating with Jake and Jason AND Tom Holland. Emilly didn't care though she was hungry so she crawled out of the bed and dropped to the ground. She put her glasses on and put her hair into a messy bun before grabbing onto the locket her father gave her for comfort. She sighed and tucked it in her shirt and walked out of the room. Xavier was standing in the kitchen making pancakes and bacon. He wasn't wearing a shirt but a apron. And ONLY a apron, but everything was covered. His sTrOnG muscular man muscles flexed when he flipped a pancake. He saw her and smiled.
"Hey there princess," He said turning to face her.
"h-h-h-h-hiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIiiiiIiiiIIiI" Emilly said leaning against the door frame and looked him up and down. ~SlOwLy~. He had a small table set with plates, forks, and cups of coffee and chocolate milk. Flowers in a VAse in the middle of the table and a bowl of fruit placed on the table. It was vary romantic.
"Like what you see baby girl?" Xavier asked noticing that she was staring and drooling.
"W-W-W-WHHHAAAATTT PFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT NONNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNOONNONONONONOONNONO"  Emilly said shaking her head violently to get her to stop. She could barely control herself.
"Lol its alright they ARE VARY good looking pancakes" Xavior said.
"OH HAHAHAHAHhaHhHHhaH YEAAAaaaaaaa the PANCAKES!!!!!! Thats totally what it was" Emilly said blushing violently. Xavior just chuckled seductively and put the food on a plate and set it on the table. He pulled out a chair for her and Emilly sat down without a second thought. He placed pancakes, bacon and fruit on her plate before whipping his hands and sitting down to eat. Emilly only ate a few bites. It was AMAZING and the best food she has ever had.
"IM FULLL" She said rubbing her tummy.
"But you like haven't eaten anything?" Xavior said truly flabbergasted.
"YEEEAAAAHhhhh but i-i-i-i-imm l-l-li-i-i-i-kkkeee-e-e not s-s-s-s-s–u-u-u-u-u-u-u–p-p-p-pp-er hungy" Emilly said.
"B-b-b-but i made you all this food" Xaior said.
"Yyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh i-i-i-i kn-n-n-n-nnn-nowwwww-w that-t-t-t-t-t b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bbut im-m-m-m-mmmm not super hungry" Emilly said whipping her face and getting up.
Xavior stared at her, the food was forgotten on his plate and he was just staring up at her a crazy look on his face.
"W-w-w-w-whattt-t-t a-a-a-re y-y-you loooooooki-n-n-n-n-ing at?" Emilly asked.
"You" He said. That made Emilly a little uncomfortable and she didn't like it. She was used to feeling that way around her mommy but not around him. Why was he acting so strange and romantic, doesn't he know that she only has feelings for Jake and Jason AND Tom Holland AAANNNDD Bartholomew. Golly gosh this is so confusing.
"W-w-w-w-wellll-l-l-l-l i s-s-s-sh-h-hould p-p-p-proubly g-g-go f-f-find Jake a-a-a-and m-m-make s-s-ure h-h-he i-i-is okay" Emilly said pulling on a jacket and slipping on her boots. Suddenly a hand slammed down on the table making things clatter and a cup fell to the floor and broke and Emilly gasped.
"WHY DO YOU DO THIS?" Xavior asked tears starting to form in his eyes.
"D-d-do what. I-i-i-i-idont u-u-understand" Emilly said.
"WHY DO YOU KEEP WANTING HIM WHEN I AM RIGHT HERE? He NEVER cared about you before and now all of a sudden your like his world but he doesn't even KNOW you IIII know you...and i LOVE you" Xavior said stepping forward and reaching for Emillys hand. She backed away and Xavior stopped. Emilly was in shock, she never imagined he would feel this way for her and she was confused. But she NEEDED to find Jake and Jason and everyone else. She turned and opened the door and ran out with Xavior calling after her.
Emilly ran far and fast through the forest. The trees were THICC and so close together that little to no sunlight came through the leaves. Sticks and branches cut at her legs while she ran. What was she doing why was she running? After a long time of running she stopped and looked around she realized she had no idea where was. The wind blew shaking the leaves but besides that there was no other noise. Emilly dropped to the ground and started sobbing. She placed her hands on her face and stayed there for a while just crying.
"What ame i gonna do?!?!?!" Emilly cried out loud. "Why did i run away from Xavior he was only trying to help me" Emilly cried. She was answered with silence. No birds chirped and no bugs buzzed. It was quiet in the forest. That made Emilly uneasy.  She sucked in a breath and stood up.
"I have to save them i HAVE to it is my job to do so" Emilly said with a lot of confidence.
"Oooooo i cant do this" She said defeated and plopped down onto her rump again. She placed her hands on her head and started to cry again.
"I cant beat a vampire. I dont even WANT to beat a vampire he cares about me and he would do anything for me" She said staring at a leaf on the floor.
"What am i gonna DOOOO" Emilly cried again this time louder hoping Jason or Jake would hear her.
"Whatever you want to do," A woman's voice said from behind her. Emilly turned around quickly to find a hunched elderly woman standing in the forest. As if *MaGiC* the branches above her started to part and let sunlight in.
"W-w-what-tt-t!!!!! W-w-w-oo-u-u a-a-a-r-r-eee- y-y-oo-u?!?" Emilly asked. She hadn't even heard the old lady walk up to her and how long had she been standing there. Emilly also quickly whipped the tears from her eyes.
"Who am I?" The woman asked slowly walking forward towards Emilly.
"By that, I'm assuming you would like to know my name," The woman said and Emilly just nodded.
"It has been a while since I've used a name. Why would I have a name if there is no one here to use it? That's all names are good for" The elderly woman said sitting next to Emilly and picking up the leaf that Emilly had been looking at.
"What about you? Do you have a name?" The old lady asked.
"M-m-m-my-y-y-yyy name i-i-i-i-is E-E-E-Emilly" Emilly said looking at the old lady.
She got a uneasy feeling from the lady. Her hair was silver and it was cut short and she was dressed in a bright red cloak and had on a green sweater that looked homemade. A long flowy skirt that had flowers that looked like they had been embroidered. She had a basket of flowers and herbs and he was holding a tall stick with feathers and chimes tied to one end. It must be a walking stick. She was very unusual. Emilly remembered what Xavior had said about the evil witch who lived in these woods.
"A-a-are-e-e-a-e y-y-o-o-u-u-u th-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e witcc-c-c-h-h-hh who li-i-i-iv-v-v-v-es in the-e-e-s-e-e-e-e wooooooo-o-o-o-ods?" Emilly asked.
"Lol heehee yeeeaaaa i am." The elderly woman said.
*gasp* Emilly gasped. Emily backed away from her.
"You don't have to be afraid of me darling I won't harm you,"  The old lady said.
"O-o-o-o-o-okay"  Emilly said tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.
"What are you doing out here in the middle of the forest all alone," The woman asked turning to face Emilly.
"I-i-i-i r-r-rr-an o-ofofofof-f-f-f-f-f" Emilly said
"I r-r-rr-an a-a-awa-y-y-y  f-f-fr-r-room a-a-a g-g-g-u-u-u-uy" Emilly said. The woman's eyes widened but she said nothing. A few moments passed before the old lady groaned and stood up, using a tree to help her up. The old woman picked up her walking stick and the basket and started walking away, deeper into the woods. Emilly watched her go, soon the woman was a few feet away from Emilly before she turned around to face her.
"Well, are you coming or what?" The old lady said. Emilly stood up quickly and followed her. Emilly did not know why she was following the old maid but she was. Even though the uneasy feeling continued to grow deeper into the woods they got. Trees started to get bigger and closer together and the sounds of birds were getting quieter and quieter. Soon after many moments of walking, they got to a small hut surrounded by trees and flowers. Chickens and pigs roamed freely and a small terrier dog was barking and keeping some of the chickens out of the fenced-off garden. Emilly could see pumpkins, melons, and corn growing in the garden as well as many other things. The old dame turned and smiled at Emilly before opening the gate that led to her hut. A big gray Komondor came trotting up to the woman and barked a greeting to her.
"Well hello there Bear it's good to see you" The elderly woman greeted, she turned to face Emilly.
"This is Emilly she will be a guest at our home for the evening," The woman said and the dog just woofed.  Emilly followed her into the small wooden hut. It was small and cozy, it had no light and had herbs and flowers hanging from the ceiling. Small bugs and mice scattered into their hiding holes when two girls entered.
"Would you like some tea?" The woman asked Emilly.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-h y-y-y-y-y-ee-e-e-a-a-a-as-s-s-ss t-t-t-thhhhhh-haat w-w-wo-o-ould b-b-be n-n-nic-c-cw" Emilly said.
"Alrighty then, you just take a seat and ill have that tea ready for you," The woman said. Emilly sat down on a wooden chair and looked around. A framed photograph caught her eyes and she got up to look at it?"
"We dedicate this note of knowledge to Miss Melesandre Velvet Devuet the third"
Her gift in magic has served us all and we shall all dearly miss her when she retires. She has served this school for over 100 years and we will miss her greatly. We thank her for her knowledge and support and her gift of magic has made her a very important member of this organization
That was what was written in black ink on the side of the picture. The picture was black and white and had 4 people in it. On the far left was a girl with black skin and curly raven hair, she was holding a small jar with what looked like it had teeth inside but it was hard to see. Next to the girl was a much taller woman with straight hair and a crown, it wrapped around her head and connected in the front and it had amazing gems and stones on it. She was also wearing a beautiful dress and was posing with an apple. In the middle was a rather short girl with curly hair and glasses, she was in a floral dress and was holding a rolled-up piece of paper and she had a red circle drawn around her. On the end was a older, chubby man with long thinning hair and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
"Okay, deary here is the tea," The woman said walking into the room and seeing Emilly looking at the photo.
"Ah i see you have seen my old photograph," The old woman said placing the tray of tea on the table and walking over to Emilly.
"I-i-i-i-i-i-s t-t-t-that y-y-y-ou!?" Emilly asked, pointing to the girl who was circled.
"Yes I think so, '' the woman said. "I haven't seen this photo for many years''. That confused Emilly since it was right in the woman's living room.
"I-i-i-i-isss t-t-t-hhh-at y-y-yo-o-u-u-ur n-n-name? Melesandre velvet duvet the third?"
"I suppose it is" The old lady said, she looked like she was spacing out.
"But you don't have to say that annoying long-ass name all the time, you can just call me Milleiy '' Milleiy said. And as if a switch was flipped Milleiy grabbed Emilly sand and pulled her in
"We need to talk," She said.

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