Chapter 17

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Emilly held onto Jasons arms as they walked down the poorly lit castle walls. Her heels clicked on the stone floors and that was the only thing that could be heard throughout the entire castle.
"So You Ready To Meet My Whole Family?" Jason asked.
"I-i-i-i-i have m-m-m-meet u-u-u-r whole family " Emilly said.
"Yeah But Like Not All Of Us All Together Including My Father " Jason said.
"I-i-i-im a-a-a-a little n-e-e-e-e-e-ervous to b-b-b-b-b-be honest" Emilly said.
"Oh Yeah Whys That?" Jason asked. Jason waited for and answer but soon stopped walking when he noticed that Emilly was no longer holding onto his arm but instead looking at a old photograph that was hanging on the wall.
"W-w-w-w-whats t-t-th–s?" Emilly asked. Jason walked over and looked at the old photograph. It was a photo of a young girl about Emillys age. She had her hair up and the ends were dyed blue. She had on and old school jacket that he did not recognize and she had on a big smile and she was surrounded by friends. Jason did not recognize anyone in the picture beside the person who was standing next to the girl. It was Salem. Salem before they were turned. They looked so happy and carefree. Salem had their arm wrapped around a *to be written later*.
On the other side of the blue-haired girl was a woman that seemed familiar but he could not say from what. They had short brown hair and had on a bright red cloaks.
"This Must Be One Of Salems Old Photos. They Took A Lot When They Were Still In School." Jason said.
"W-w-w-who i-i-i-i-s t-t-t-that?" Emilly asked pointing the blue-haired girl.
"I Dont Know. You'd Have To Ask Salem" Jason said taking Emillys arm again. He lead her through the hallways again and as they walked Emilly noticed more and more pictures. On every wall there was a picture of the same blue-haired girl. The next one she saw was of the girl holding a trophy with another person. The smiles on their faces seemed so real. The next one was the girl with Salem again. They were all dressed up in fancy outfits. Emilly turned the corner and looked at the next photo. The girl was sitting on a bench with a man. It was the same odd looking man from the picture that Milleiy had in her cabin. Emilly looked across the hallway to another picture and when she looked at it her heart dropped. The next picture the girl was posing with a familiar-looking woman. She had short blonde hair and she was smiling. But not a smile of joy. The smile had what felt like evilness in it. Emilly did not like it and looked down at her feet. She stayed looking down until they reached the doors that lead into the dining hall. Emilly sucked in a breath and entered with Jason.
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The dining hall was nothing like what Emilly expected. It had grand windows on one side of the wall and a very big table. Emilly looked around and saw Geyson sitting at the head of the table with Salem and Bartholomew sitting on each side of him. Jason cleared his throat and lead Emilly to the table. Emilly sat down and when she did she noticed a burn in Bartholomew's eyes. A ~BuRn~ of jealousy. Emilly did not pay any attention to it though. Jason sat down across from her.
"Well then shall we feast?" Geyson said picking up a VARY sharp knife.
"W-w-w-wait i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i dont understand? Y-y-y-y-y-y-you guys a-a-a-a-a-ar-e-e-ee vampires r-r-r-r-r-r-r-right? How come y-y-y-you are eating?" Emilly asked
"We are not those fairytale fucks of vampires. We can still eat food we just get more energy and life force from blood" Salem snapped.
"Dont talk to her like that!!!" Bartholomew said stabbing the table with his knife. Servants started walking out with plates full of food.
"Well now kiddos lets not argue with our guest present" Geyson said filling his plate with raw pork and eggs.
"Dont call me "kiddo" Salem said. Geyson gave them a warning look and they sat down with a sigh.
They ate in silence. It was the most uncomfortable Emilly has been in in a while. She could feel the tension between Bartholomew and Jason and she already knew about how Salem felt about their father. Emilly could feel Bartholomew and Jasons eyes burning into her while she ate. What had happened during this month while I was away in my room?" Emilly thought eating her salad since it was the only thing sorta edible for a human like her. "Why is Jason and Bartholomew staring at me? Do i have something in my teeth? Do i smell bad?" Emilly though.
"WHAT ARE YOU TWO LOOKING AT" Emilly yelled to Jason and Bartholomew.
"Look at what you've done to her" Bartholomew yelled to Jason throwing down his fork. Salem quickly stood up and left the room.
"What Are You Talking About? What IVE Done?" Jason snapped.
"Boys" The Father warned but Jason and Bartholomew did not hear.
"You tuned her into a rude bitch! You neglected her and now she is like this" Bartholomew said. His fist clenched into a tight fist.
"Dont You Dare Fucking Call Her That" Jason hissed.
"Ill call her whatever the fuck i want to. You dont get to say shit since you are offering her up in a silver plate just so she can get sacrificed!!!!" Bartholomew screeched.
"BOYS" The father said more loudly this time.
"DO YOU!!!! YOU ARE JUST LIKE MOTHER!!!" Bartholomew yelled.
"S-s-s-s-t-t-o-o-opp-p-p-p-p-pp i-ii-i-it y-y-you g-g-gu-u-uyyys-ss" Emilly said getting up and standing in between Jason and Bartholomew.
"She is MY beloved and I can do as I please with her" Jason said shoving Emilly out of the way. Bartholomew hissed and lunged at Jason. Jason fell to the ground and the two boys started to wrestle. Groans and grunts could be heard from the two as they threw kicks and punches at each other. Emilly screamed for them to stop but she was not heard.
"YOU GUYS STOP FIGHTING PLEASE!!!" Emilly cried. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she looked up and saw Salem holding her. Emilly gasped and then Salem zipped off using their super vampier speed. Emilly felt the wind blow past her and in a second she was back in her room.
"Don't leave" Salem warned to Emilly before closing the door. Once again she was left in darkness.
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Salem rushed through the corridors as fast and they could. They needed to get back in time. Salem threw open the doors to the dining hall. But it was too late. Bartholomew lay motionless on the cold stone floor and Jason was huffing over him. His hands and mouth were bloody.
"Salem, dear you missed all the fun" Geyson said getting up from his chair and walking over to Jason. Tears started to swell in Jasons eyes and Emilly rushed over to Bartholomew to aid him.
Bartholomew's neck was broken. His head was twisted all the way around. "Oh god

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