Chapter 6

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"OMG!!!! W-W-W-WHAT A-A-A-Are U-U-U-U-U DOING O-O-O-O-OUTSIDE T-T-T-THE WINDOW!!!!! WE A-A-A-A-ARE SO HIGH UP ALREADY UWU" Emilly said helping the man inside through the window.
"Like i already said i'm here to rescue you, Mr Tom Halland told me that a "special someone" was kidnapped and that he needs MY help to save em" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-omg y-y-you are m-m-my hero" Emilly said bending down and hugging the short man.
"T-t-t-t-thank y-y-you Spud Collins," Emilly said biting her lip and stepping back.
"Oh just Spud is fine" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Okay, my name is Emilly," Emilly said.
"Okay," Spud collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Here is how things are gonna work, you will follow me out the window and I will help you climb the castle wall. When we get down Jake will be meeting you at the bottom to escort you to the camp" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Www-what g-g-go o-o-outside!!!! Cl-l-l-l-llimb t-t-the wall. Idk i-i–i-i-i-if i can d-d-d-d-do t-t-t-that" Emilly said sitting down on the bed and placing her small soft hand on her lap. Spud sighed and leaped into the bed.
"I don't do this "comforting" stuff a lot so i aint very good at it but maybe this will help..." Spud said in a Brooklyn accent. Emilly looked over to Spud and waited. He licked his lips and cupped his hands over his mouth...and started beatboxing. The sound was magical to emilly and made her relax a bit. He had so much talent and the beatboxing was so comforting. When Spud Collins was done he licked his lips again and looked at her.
"U feelin' any better?" Spud Collins asked in a Brooklyn accent.
"Y-y-y-y-y-yes..." Emilly said biting her lips and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Golly no one has ever treated her so kindly. Well besides Xavior but he was JUST a friend.
"Well, we should get going," Spud Collines said in a Brooklyn accent while slapping his knees with his hands and standing up.
"We don't want to keep Jake waiting," Spud said in a Brooklyn accent walking over to the window and opening it.
"Y-y-y-y-y-yeahhhh-h-hh r-right" Emilly said grabbing her bag and walking over to the window. *gasp* she looked down and she suddenly felt faint from how high up she was.
"Well, we should go," Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while he climbed out of the window and onto the thin pipe that was outside of Emillys room. Emilly shuddered cutely and followed Spud down the pipe, whimpering every time she looked down. Spud collins noticed how scared Emilly was and started Beatboxing to help her feel better.
"AAHBBSNWJSB AABXTS X TCDX CFH VJKB KMBJG HJYFKVH BJ KHV" Spud collins beatboxed in his Brooklyn accent. It helped a lot. The sun had been setting when they started butt now the sky was dark.
"Finally we made it to the floor" Spud Collins said dusting dust off his clothes in a Brooklyn accent.
"Oof*falls over onto bum* Emilly said. Spud Collins rolled his eye and helped Emilly up before he took her very small and soft hand and they started running through the gardens.
"Hey who is that" a familiar sexy voice called.
"Aw heck, we've been caught," Spud Collins said in a Brookly accent and standing in front of Emilly to protect her. But Emilly remembered that smooth sexy cursive voice.
IT WAS BARTHOLOMEW!!!!!! ( ooooh so sexy dreamy very handsome)
"I won't hurt you I promise," Bartholomew said holding up his hands and surrendering while spud Collins growled in a Brooklyn accent.
"I am here to help you," Bartholomew said looking past Spud and at Emilly. He didn't have his glasses on rn so she got to see his eye. He looked at her with so much softness in his eyes, the golden pools made Emilly feel safe...and like she could trust him.
"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i t-t-think w-w-we c-c-cannnnnnn trust h-h-h-him" Emilly said stepping forward.
"I am so very sorry for what my brother has done to you, Princess " Bartholomew said also stepping forward.
"I shall distract Jason for as long as i can so you can see shelter and safety with those..."Bartholomew stopped talking and looked over to Spud Collins who had his arms crossed and was looking around impatiently.
"those...mutts" Bartholomew finished looking back at Emilly. *gasp and shudder* Emilly had moved closer to him now. Only inches away from his cold, smooth, dead lips. Bartholomew leaned in a little but quickly pulled away and turning around.
"Y-you should get going," He said looking away from Emilly
"You wouldn't want to keep "ALPHA" Clinton waiting," Bartholomew said in a mocking tone.
"Don't you heckin' dare insult Alpha Clinton like that you Thumb" Spud Collins said taking a step forward and growling in a Brooklyn accent.
"C-c-c-c-calm d-d-d-down Spud g-g-g-g-getting angry w-w-wont h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hh-h–help" Emilly said turning to face Spud.
"F-f-f-fighting w-w-w-wont c-c-change anything!!!"Emilly begged.
Spud scoffed and turned and walked away in a Brooklyn accent.
"I'll be seeing you later Kitten" Bartholomew said bowing down but still keeping STRONG eyes contact.
"Ill make sure my stupid ass brother stays distracted and even though you made my sibling Salem annoyed im sure they would help" Bartholomew said standing up and turning.
"I'll be seeing you soon Princess," Bartholomew said while walking away.
"b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-byyyyyyyyyyyy"Emilly said placing her hands over her heart. She watched Bartholomew walk away and OMG SHE THINKS SHES IN LOVE UwU NYA!!!!!!!
"Are ya coming or what?" Spud Collins asked a little ways away in a Brooklyn accent.
"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y–y-yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Emily said.
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Emilly followed Spud through the garden and into the woods. As they walked more Emilly could hear wolves howling in the distance and she got nervous. Spud Collins looked calm and relaxed so that helped Emilly feel a little better. Emilly remembered Jake telling her that he was a werewolf so she had nothing to worry about...right?
"I d-d-d-d-dont u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-understand. I-i-i-i call-l-l-l-led T-T-T-T-Tom Holland?? Why d-d-d-did h-he s-s-send u-u-u-u-u?" Emily asked looking down at Spud Collins who was walking next to her.
"Well mr Tom Holland is in my werewolf pack and even though he isint my Packs leader i still do what he asks." Spud said in a Brooklyn accent.
"P-P-P-P-P-Pack?! Do u-u-u-u k-k-know Jake UwU" Emilly asked twirling a piece of her blonde hair around her small finger.
"Well of course i know Jake he's the beta of my pack...a little dim in the head but he has a good heart." Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while placing his hands in his pockets.
"W-w-w-w-w-w-well w-w-w-why d-d-d-dindt J-J-J-J-Jake come s-s-s-save m-m-m-me...Or Tom H-H-H-H-H-Holland." Emilly asked feeling a little heartbroken that her childhood best friend and "mate" did not come to save her but instead they sent some 4'1 sassy pants who didn't know how to treat a lady.
"We should be getting close to the meeting point" Spud Collins said ina Brooklyn accent.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o–o-o-kay" Emiily said And then suddenly 2 wolves ran through the forest and stopped right in front of them. They were BIG...Like gosh gee golly they were just absolutely HUMONGOUS. One was Dark brown with long smooth and SILKY fur while the other a little bigger one was more coffee colored but like coffee with a lot of cream in it so not really coffee color. His fur looked a lot more ruffled and scratchy.
"Hello there Tom Holland...Jake good to see Y'ALL again" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent. Suddenly the bigger coffee but not really coffee colored wolf started to transforme. The fur and claws went back into the body and his bones started to break and rearrange. It was kinda gross to look at but Emilly didn't care. Spud Collins and the dark brown wolf seemed unfazed by the disgusting transformation. Jake stood up from where the coffee but not really the coffee wolf was standing. *gasp* AND HE HAD NO CLOTHES ON...Emilly kept her eyes up though just to be respectful but she couldn't help but look at his 12 pack. His abs and muscles shined in the moonlight. Gosh he was sooooooooooooooo hot.
"Hey Hot stuff im glad to see you are safe ;)" Jake said in a low and gruff voice.
"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-hiiiiiiiiiii" Emilly giggled.
"ARe you oKay baby girl?" Jake said pulling on a pair of shorts and walking over to her.
"Y-y-y-y-y-yy-y-y-y-y-y-y-yeahhhhh" Emilly said biting her lip and blushing a little.
The other wolf started to transform and OMG ITS TOM HOLLAND UWU. He also had no clothes on ;)
"OoOoOoHhHhHh~ darling im so glad you are safe" Tom Holland said walking over to emilly and cupping her face, checking to see if she was hurt at all.
"When i got that call from you i was so happy at first and then really worried," Tom Holland said in his sexy British accent. Jake shoved forward and hugged Emilly *gasp* she gasped.
"What the heck do you think you are doing?" Tom Holland growled in a British accent.
"Im giving my mate a cuddle you ugly dingbat" Jake snarled.
"Grrrrrr you cant steal all the cuddles" Tom Holland said pushing his way in between Emilly and Jake.
Jake snarls and shows off his big manly K-9 teeth and Emilly could see Tom Holland hesitate for a bit before growling back at Jake.
"Dont you dare growl at your second in command" Jake said taking a step forward and standing up taller than Tom Holland.
"G-g-g-g-g-g-guys n-n-n-no pls UwU d-d-d-d-dont f-f-fight...not o-o-o-o-o-over m-m-me" Emilly begged stepping in between Tom Holland and Jake.
"Jake...Jakiepoo l-l-l-look at me t-t-t-this isint you o-o-oo-o-kay this isn't you" Emilly said snapping her fingers in front of Jakes face to get his attention. She also stuck out her lips in a cute pouty way. She then turned to Tom Holland.
"Dont l-l-let him get to you...O-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay i-i-i-it w-w-w-will be okay" Emilly said in a cute way.
"Yes thank you Baby Face."Tom Holland said in a British way.
"UM HELLO I'm still here" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while also waving his arms around to get their attention.
"I was wondering when i would be gettin paid for doin this?" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while looking DIRECTLY at Tom Holland.
"Yess yess you will get paid when we get back to the Den" Tom Holland said rolling his eyes and turning to walk away.
"Come with me ill take you to our den" Jake said to emilly while taking her hand and leading her deeper into the woods.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-okayyyy" Emilly said while twisting her fingers with Jakes. His hands were strong but still kinda soft in a cute and hot way. Emilly could hear Spud Collins sigh and walk behind them.
"The den is like the meeting point for our whole pack" Jake explained in his deep voice.
"Our pack is the Duckerstine pack because that is my fathers last name and he is the one who founded the pack." There are three other packs in the town of Pissandballington. My Pack is the youngest because it was only founded a few years ago...a little before I was born" Jake explained while Emilly was listening with a lot of interest.
"UUUUUUHHHHGGGGG CAN YOU SHUT THE HECK UP" Spud Collins said In a Brooklyn accent while walking past them quickly clearly annoyed that Jake wont shut his mouth.
"H-h-h-h-hey d-d-d-dont d-d-disrespect h-h-h-him" Emily said yelling.
Spud just rolled his eye in a Brooklyn accent and walked faster.
Emily grabbed Jakes hand and walked through the woods. When all of a sudden she heard barking and woofing in the distance. We must be getting close.
"We are getting close," Tom Holland said in a British accent.
Soon they walked through the trees and entered a clearing. Wolves and people were all running around playing fetch and tackle football. It was amazing. A small cabin stood in the middle that looked warm and cozy.
"This is my home" Jake said looking around. His sexy amber orbs glissend in the sexy moonlight. Gosh he was sexy.
"Welcome back son" a deep and gruff voice said.

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