Chapter 16

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Emilly rushed through the castle trying to find her way back to her room. She was just kinda walking around and then she stumbled onto the vampires conversation. But now she did not know how to get back. All the corridors looked the same. Dark brick and torches were all around. It was like a maze and at this point shes ran past the same empty suit of armor now. "Oh geez im not getting anywhere" Emilly thought. Emilly turned the corner quickly and hit a big wall.
OOOff Emilly looked up.
"You better watch ware your going" A man said. OMg it wasnt a wall emilly ran was someones muscular chest!!!
"O-o-omg i-i-i-im s-s-o s-s-orry-y-y" Emilly said blushing and looking away.
"Its alright baby it didnt hurt" The man said.
"M-m-my name i-i-is E-E-Emilly" Emilly said the mans eyes widend.
"Well its super nice to meet you Emilly. You can just call me The Father. I am the maker of Salem Bartholomew and Jason" He said.
"O-o-o-h u-u-m thats s-s-super c-c-c-ool" Emilly said.
"Yes, now come walk with me" He said taking her by the arm and dragging her away.
"I shall show thy to thys room" The Father said.
"L-lo-o-l-l thats n-n-nice o-o-of y-y-ou" Emilly said looking down shyly.
"Well yes, anything for my sons future wife" The Father said.
"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-WIFEEEE!!!!" Emilly said.
"Yes wife" The Father said.
"I did not know i was his wife" Emilly said tilting her head to the side.
The Father started walking and Emilly followed.
"Well you aren't yet but in one month you will be and everything will be perfect" The Father said.
P-P-perfect?" Emilly asked.
"Oh yes but dont you worry your pretty head about it" The Father said leading Emilly up some stairs.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay-y-y-y-y-y" Emilly said. He gave her a funny feeling. Something about him did not feel right. Emilly took a long look at him and noticed a few things. He was tall, much taller then Jason and he had blonde hair like Bartholomew. He spoke in a ~Slllooowww~ and ~SmmmoooTTHhhh~ voice. Something did not feel right.
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Days went by and Emilly rarely left her room. She would get updates about the masquerade ball from Bartholomew and Jason and on nice clear night Jason would take Emilly out of her room for a walk. Even with all this attention Emilly cant help but to think. Think about what? Well Jake and Tom Holland and Xavior. It had been so long since she had seen them and she couldn't help but wonder if they were okay. She pushed her glasses up higher on her face and pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. Everything was so different now...It was nothing like her life back home. It was strange. A knock at the door broke her out of her daydream.
"U-um c-c-ome i-i-in" She called. The door opened slowly and Jason stepped into the room. He had on a cool black shirt and leather pants. He had other accessories on too.
"Hey There Kitten. How Ya Doin?" Jason asked
"I-i-i-im d-d-oing amazing" Emilly said.
"I Am Here To Bring You To Dinner" Jason said extending out his hand for Emilly to take.
"O-o-o-okay b-b-but i-i-i-i-i-i-i d-d-dont have a-a-a-anything to wear" Emiily said looking down.
"Dont Worry Baby Cakes I Have It All Covered" Jason said. Emilly nodded and took Jasons hand and let him lead her through the halls of the castle. By now Emilly was starting to get familiar the castle walls. The dark brick started getting more and more familiar and the torches had a comforting glow. She counted the torched as they walked. "1...2...3"
"You Might Be Wondering Why We Are Having You For Dinner Now?" Jason asked. Not Really Emilly was focused on the lights "4...5...6" She said nothing.
"Err Well The Masquerade Ball Is Tomorrow and We are Celebrating" Jason said. "6..7...take a right"
"Emilly Are You Listening To Me?" Jason asked.
"O-o-oh yes s-s-s-sorry i–ii-i-im j-j-just in sock t-t-t-t-that t-t-t-the ball i-i-i-i-is so soon" Emilly said.
"Yes Well Dont You Worry, Salem Has Been Working Hard To Make Sure You Are Dressed Nicely. For Both Tonight's Dinner AND Our Wedding Ball" Jason said intertwining his fingers with hers. Emilly just hummed and started counting the torches again. After a few moments of walking they finally arrived to a large steel door. It had a raven on it and 2 torches were lit on each side of the door. Jason knocked and opened the door. Jason and Emilly walked into a well-lit dressing room. It had silks and furs hanging from the walls and hanging over chairs. Jazz music played from an old record player that was sitting on a table. Cookies and juice was on another table. The fireplace was lit and it added a comforting warm glow to the room. Emilly sighed and looked around. She stopped when she noticed Salem sitting in a corner of the room facing the wall. They had glasses on and a black suit. They looked invisible in the dark corner. They had a book open and looked like they were drinking wine but from what Emilly knew about vampires she knew it wasn't wine. Salem looked up and made eye contact with Emilly, She could see Salem eyes grow darker with a unwelcome feeling that Emilly could not name. Salem got up from that chair and walked over to Emilly and Jason. They set the book down on the table and lead Emilly to a stool in front of a mirror.
"Okay Ill Just Wait Outside" Jason said letting himself out.
"What are you still doing here?" Salem asked gritting their teeth and walking over to a closet.
"W-w-w-w-what are y-y-you t-t-t-t-talking a-about? Emilly asked.
"I WARNED YOU TO LEAVE." Salem shouted, grabbing a dress and walking back over to Emilly.
"I-I-I Know b-b-but-" Emilly started but was cut off by Salem.
"You are in danger here and we told you that but you still stayed. Goodness you really are fucking stupid." Salem said.
"I-I-Im Not S-S-S-stupid!!!" Emilly whined.
"Geyson will KILL you tomorrow and you are staying. I cant BELIEVE you are just throwing your life away like that!!!" Salem said throwing the dress over Emilly and adjusting the straps.
"I-I-I-i think t-t-t-h-his dress is u-u-u-u-u-ugly" Emilly said looking down at the pink poofy dress that she had on.
"Well fuck you too" Salem said rolling their eyes.
"W-W-HAT N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nooooooooo. N-n-nn-ot like tha-a-a-t. Its j-j-j-just that i-i-i-i dont l-l-like dresses thats a-a-a-a-a-a-all. Id m-m-m-m-m-m-much prefers b-baggy sweatpants and a h-h-h-h-hoodie" Emilly said.
"Well tough shit this is what Jason wants so this is what you will get" Salem said.
A few moments of silence passed and the clock on the wall was the only sound that could be heard in the room. "Why did Salem even care. Didnt they want their father to have a lot of power? I dont get it" Emilly thought.
"S-salem, why a-a-a-are you helping m-m-m-m-m-me?" Emilly asked.
"Dont you already know?" They said.
"*sigh* Geyson is me,Jason and Bartholomew's maker. He turned us into what we are now." Salem said.
"So?' Emilly asked.
"SO...If he gets this power he will ruin many more lives...i dont need more people getting hurt because of me." Salem said looking away from Emilly. Emilly could tell that something had happened and that it was important to Salem but the look in Salem eyes told her not to say anything.  A few more moments passed in silence as Salem worked on Emillys dress. They stood up and placed the needles that they were holding in their mouth onto a handmade pin cushion. It was a little tomato with a smiling face and Emilly laughed to herself. It was cute.
"Your all done" Salem said helping Emilly off the stool she was standing on.
"T-t-t-thank y-y-you" Emilly whispered. Salem just turned away and Emilly decided to go. Emilly opened the door and Jason was standing right outside the door and holding some roses.
"Shall We?" He asked.
"Y-Y-Y-Y-YESSSS!!!!!!" Emilly said.

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