Chapter 7

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Emilly quickly spun around to look at the man who had said that. He looked familiar just a little big. He had short blonde hair and a THICK and FULL beard. He was tall...taller than Jake but he also had the same tan skin as Jake but the thing that Emilly noticed the most was the older mans eyes. One of his eyes were the same dark and DEEP amber orbs and the other was a Forest emerald green. He had on a pair of dirty, dirt stained jeans and a white tank top.
"My name is Clinton Duckerstine, Jakes father and the ALPHA of this pack" He said looking around at the wolves around them.
"H-h-h-h-ello m-m-y n-n-name is-" Emilly started but then was cut off by Clinton.
"Emilly i know...Jake has told me all about are his mate" Clinton said opening up his arms and hugging Emilly. OMG it was the first time Emily had ever been kinda felt...nice.
"Jake why don't you and Tom Holland go pay Spud Collins for his work and then we can show ur ~MaTe~ around?" Clinton said letting go of Emilly and looking over at Spud Collins who was a little ways away talking to a girl with short pink hair.
"Okay lets go" Jake said taking Emillys hand and leading her over to Spud Collins and the other girl. Tom Holland followed closely behind.
"Come on Spud its time for you to get that cash" Tom Holland said calling over Spud in his British accent. Spud looked over to the group and nodded before turning and saying a few words to the girl and walking over.
"About dang time i got paid for my hard work" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"EEEEKKKK OMG ITS SPUD COLLINS" A group of girls and some guys called and then fainted.
"W-w-w-w-w-what-t-t-t-t j-j-j-j-just h-h-append?" Emilly asked looking over to the pile of fainted werewolves.
"YYYYYYEEEEEeeeaaahhhhh. I'm kinda a celebrity here. I'm more famous than Tam Halland" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while sticking out his tongue and Tom Holland in a mocking way. Emily Looked at Spud Collines and then scoffed and walked away.
"Golly he ha-a-a-a-a-as such a-a-a-a-a ego" Emilly whispers to Jake who grabbed her hand and chuckled.
"Wtf did you just say GoLlY~ No one says that anymore ya thumb" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent while also walking past them and giving a small snarl to Jake.
That hurt Emillys feeling so she started to cry. Jake noticed how upset Emilly was now and growled at Spud Collins.
"Dont you dare make my Honybun cry ever again" Tom Holland said grabbing Spud Collins by the collar of his shirt. Spud Collins just sneered and pushed Tom Holland off of him.
"Just make sure you pay dingbat," Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent. Tom Holland shook his head in a British accent before following Spud Collins into the cabin to pay him.
"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-why d-d-d-do uuuuuu-u-u-u-u-uwu-u-u-u l-l-let h-h-him bullwy m-m-m-me l-l-l-like that" Emilly asked Jake while looking up at him with her BIG BEAUTIFUL blue orbs.
"Im sorry not yet allowed to discipline  Spud Collins...only my father is allowed to discipline him." Jake explained while leading Emilly to a bench under a cherry tree that was in full bloom.
"The ALPHA of the pack in the leader, everyone respects each other the exact same amount unless you are the alpha. People always listen to the alpha no matter what and even though i am the beta, the second in command i dont hold a lot of power over the rest of my pack" Jake explained looking emilly in the eyes INTENSELY.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay..." Emilly said while biting her lip and looking down and then back up.
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They sat under that cherry tree for a long time talking about nothing and everything. It was peaceful and soon she got sleepy and fell asleep on Jakes strong, hairy and manly chest. When she woke up she was in a bed. Warm light came from the windows and the smell of eggs and spam filled the whole entire room. Wow yummy. Emilly got up and looked around. The room she was in looked like it was decorated by a grandma. The sheets were itchy and gross green flower wallpaper was all around the walls. It was NOTHING like the crazy cool castle that Jason had.  Emilly yawned and got up. Emilly put on her stupid nerdy glasses and put on the ring on a string that her father had given to her right before she was born. Why did he leave? Emilly got up and looked into the closet for a new pair of clothing. She found a cute and hot crop top and a pair of PERFECT-fitting jeans. She put her soft hair into a cute braid and put on her dirty boots. She didn't normally have on crop tops or jeans but it was the only thing that was in the closet. Emilly always preferred baggy sweatpants and oversized t-shirts that had old bands that no one has EVER heard of like Nirvana and The Beatles. She walked down the stairs and admired the wall pictures and the crappy drawing that looked like a 5-year-old drew them.
"Well good morning sleepy head nice to see you awake" a deep familiar voice said.
"G-g-g-g-g-g-goooooooooooooooooooood-d m-m-m-morning C-C-C-Clint-t-ton" Emilly said smiling and looking up at him.
"I'm making us some brekky and then i'll make Jake give you the grand tour of the territory," Clinton said while picking at the eggs. Oh right Jake where is he?
"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-where i-iis J-J-J-j-jake" Emilly asked licking her lips.
"He is out hunting with his mates. He should be back in a few minutes" Clinton said grabbing a plate and putting some eggs and Spam on it. Emilly sat down and picked up a fork and knife and waited for the food to be placed in front of her. Clinton hesitated before setting the plate down in front of her and turning to make more. Emilly took a big sloppy scoop of the eggs and placed it into her mouth. She chewed for a few moments before spitting it out.
"EW WHAT DA HECK IS DAT" Emilly said drinking some water to get the taste out. The eggs were really salty and tasted like poopoo.
"Im sorry dear i had made those eggs for me...if i had known you would have wanted some i wouldn't have added my secret ingredient.
"WELL ITS LIKE SUPAR NOT GOOD SO MAKE ME A NEW ONE" Emilly said throwing the eggs away.
Suddenly Jake walked into the cabin and stopped when he saw Emilly.
"Well hello Hot STufF nice to see you finally awake" Jake said in his hot morning voice.
"G-g-g-g-g-good m-m-m-morning Jake" Emilly said getting up from the chair she was sitting at and walked over to him. He opened his arms, hugged her, and then gave her a BIG SMOOCH.
"Are you ready for the tour?" Jake asked.
"Then right this way Kitten" He said leading Emilly out of the cabin.
"BYEEE!!!" Clinton said to Jake and Emily as they were walking out. The sun was warm and bright. It felt warm on her skin like how a sun normally feels on skin when its not cloudy. It wasn't cloudy and nothing but clear blue skies. Jake took her hand and started walking into the woods.
"The whole pack lives on the territory except for Tom Holland who lives in his penthouse and Spud Collins who lives in some orphanage in Brooklyn" Jake explained.
"O–o-o-o-o-o–o-o-okay thats c-c-c-c-o-o-o-o-oll" Emilly said.
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After the tour Jake and Emilly were sitting under the cherry tree eating a wonderful looking AND tasty egg salad sandwich that was in the fridge.
"Hows the sandwich booboo bear?" Jake asked putting his arm around her.
"M-m-m-m-much bet-t-t-t-t-t-ter eggs-s-s-ssssssssssss a-a-a-are s-s-soooo much b-b-b-b-etter than your d-d-d-d-daddys" Emilly said while taking another bite of her sandwich.
"I'm glad you like it Pookie bear" Jake said leaning down and giving Emilly a smooch on the head. Emily giggled and leaned in closer. 
"If you don't mind me asking but why were you kidnapped anyway? I dont know much about the whole story only that you were kidnapped by the mafia vampire family and that you needed to be saved. Why would anyone want to kidnap you? Its not like your important or anything" Jake asked.
"O-o-o-o-oh i-i-i-idont r-r-really k-k-know" Emily said while swallowing the bite she had taken.
"H-h-h-he s-s-s-said t-t-that h-h-he h-h-had n-n-noticed m-m-me a-a-and t-t-that h-he w-w-want n-n-never g-g-g-g-g-g-gg-g-g-onna let m-m-me leave" Emily said while starting to cry again.
"Oh Boo bear i'm so sorry that happened to you" Jake said.
"Jason w-w-w-was s-s-so f-f-friendly a-a-at f-f-first...b-b-but i-i-it w-w-was a-a-allllllllla lieeeeee" Emily cried.
"W-w-wait JASON" Jake yelled standing up quickly.
"Y-y-yeah Jason Smitphy. H-H-H-eeeeee said t-t-that h-h-h-eeeeee bought me. BUT NOBODY OWNS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emilly screamed.
"Jason Smiphy is super bad and he is really kinda evil" Jason said.
"He is the #1 enemy of the Duckerstine pack. His scent is often found on our land and sometimes we have to chase him out of our land." Jason said grabbing her hand in his.
"He didnt d-d-d-do a-a-anything b-b-bad tt-t-t-to meeeeEEEE. He s-s-s-said h-h-he NEEDED m-m-me" Emilly said pulling her hand away and finishing her sandwich.
"We must go warn my father and the rest of the pack about this" Jake said standing up quickly.
"If Jason is after you then you must be hidden. You are too special to me and i can not risk you die" Jake said helping Emilly up.
"O-o-o-o-o-o-okay" she said.
"We cant let him find you puppy" Jake said.
"Too Late For That "MuTt"" a familiar voice said.

*gasp* omg...

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